Guerrero: Celebration of the 19th anniversary of the Tlachinollan Mountain Center for Human Rights

Opositores al proyecto hidroeléctrico de La Parota. Foto @SIPAZ

During the days 19 and 20 July 2013, there was celebrated in Tlapa de Comonfort, Guerrero, the XIX anniversary of the Tlachinollan Mountain Center for Human Rights.  For this occasion there was held the forum “Guerrero: epicenter of resistance struggles.”  In the forum participated representatives of communities and peoples from the state of Guerrero, as well as civil organizations, social organizations, and human-rights defenders, who raised questions that revolved around three principal questions: the defense of territory and natural resources in the Mountain region of the state, the normative indigenous system of justice and communal police, and the defense of public education and teachers’ struggle.

In the exposition tables there were addressed different cases, such as the resistance struggles against the government’s plans to create a Biosphere Reserve in the Mountain region, as well as the La Parota hydroelectric project, the defense of the Suljaa’ river, the opposition to mining-exploitation projects, the work of communal police, the diagnostic of the Civil Monitor of the Police, and the mobilizations of the teachers’ and student movements in the state.

Within the event of the forum, the Tlachinollan Mountain Center presented its XIX Annual Report, “Dignified Rebellion,” in which it emphasizes the increase over the past year of grave violations of human rights in the Mountain and Costa Chica regions of Guerrero, with the state executive being responsible for 19% of these violations.  The magisterial police and the Educational Ministry of Guerrero are two of the most denounced institutions in these cases.

For more information (in Spanish):

Digna Rebeldía: Guerrero el epicentro de las luchas de resistencia (XIX informe de actividades de Tlachinollan)

Guerrero: el epicentro de las resistencias (La Jornada, 20 de julio)

Aumentan violaciones de derechos humanos en contra de indígenas en Guerrero (La Jornada, 19 de julio)

Documenta Tlachinollan aumento en las violaciones graves a derechos humanos en Guerrero (Tlachinollan, 18 de julio)

For more information from SIPAZ (in English):

Guerrero: Impunity continues in the Ayotzinapa case (17 May 2013)

Guerrero: Release of police charged for the murder of students from the Rural Normal of Ayotzinapa (29 April 2013)

Guerrero: Social insurrection in Olinalá against organized crime (9 November 2012)

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