National: AMLO Claims Feminist Movement is “Conservative”; August Month with Most Femicides since 2018


Following the demonstrations on September 28th (28S), President Lopez Obrador again criticized the feminist movement and insinuated “that Mexican feminism has directly become a movement opposed to his government” and that it intends to “affect” his government: “You have to see what is behind it, because about two years ago, when the feminist movement began, many women participated, but they began to realize that they had become conservative feminists just to affect us, just for that purpose”,the president stated.

Although the mobilizations were carried out peacefully, there were clashes between some groups of protesters and the police, for which the president said that it is “a new phenomenon that has to do with the beginning of our government, that is why I distrust its authenticity.”

The Break the Fear Network accompanied during the march and documented the use of firecrackers and pepper spray by the police force, for which it demanded that the Secretariat of Citizen Security (SSC) of CDMX “behave under the Police Action Protocols.”

For her part, the Undersecretary for Institutional Development of the SSC, Marcela Figueroa, denied that this was true and that the policewomen “have the sole objective of accompanying and protecting the contingents participating in the demonstration (…)”, “some of them carry fire extinguishers to mitigate any outbreak of fire that may arise”, she added.

Senator Veronica Delgadillo said that the federal government “has not been able to stop the systematic and structural violence against women, as it maintains a policy of deaf ears and closed doors. The senator asked the President of the Republic: “Is it too much to ask? Since when is asking for empathy an excess? Since when is fighting for our lives considered a conservative plot?”

In the month of August, 107 femicides were registered, the highest number since the beginning of the Lopez Obrador government. According to Rosa Icela Rodriguez, Secretary of Public Security, this is equivalent to 8% more compared to 2020. However, the official said that this increase is explained by the fact that “now they are not classified as homicides” but as femicides.

For more information in Spanish:

Se rompe récord de feminicidios en agosto: se registran 107 en 31 días(Expansión política, 22 de septiembre de 2021)

La violencia contra las mujeres no se detiene: Verónica Delgadillo (Capital México, 30 de septiembre de 2021)

López Obrador señala a las feministas de querer “afectar” su Gobierno y las califica de “conservadoras” (El País, 29 de septiembre de 2021)

Movimiento feminista busca perjudicarme, es conservador, dice AMLO (Animal Político, 29 de septiembre de 2021)

SSC niega uso de gas pimienta y cohetones para dispersar marcha feminista en CDMX (VIDEO) (Reporte Índigo, 28 de septiembre de 2021)

For more information from SIPAZ:

Oaxaca: Fanny Guadalupe, Mixe Youth who “Confronted Lack of Attention from Authorities”, Victim of Femicide (October 4, 2021)

Nacional: OSC desmienten las declaraciones de AMLO sobre situación de derechos humanos (September 3, 2021)

Chiapas/National: Chiapas among Top States for Femicides (July 6, 2021)

Oaxaca: 68.5% de feminicidios en el estado siguen impunes: Consorcio Oaxaca.(June 16, 2021)

National: AMLO Claims Organizations Receive Foreign Funding to Oppose Maya Train (August 28, 2020)

Nacional: Declaraciones de AMLO con respecto a la violencia de género provoca reacciones de diversos actores. (May 19, 2020)

National: AMLO Attacks Article 19 – Over 160 Organizations Defend Its Work (April 6, 2020)

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