Chiapas: Electoral Violence Causes over 15 Deaths and 500 Resignations in Last Week


In the last week, violence in Chiapas has worsened. Attacks on both civilians and candidates for political office have increased rapidly, many of them with fatal outcomes.

Just this weekend, between May 17th and 19th, various violent events were recorded in the municipalities of Villa Corzo, Mapastepec, San Cristobal de Las Casas and Rincon Chamula, all related to the electoral process.

In Villa Corzo, the armed attack against the MORENA candidate for mayor of this municipality, Robertony Orozco Aguilar, left three men dead and two injured. In Mapastepec, Nicolas Noriega Zavala, MORENA’s candidate for mayor, and six members of his team were ambushed, five of them lost their lives. In Rincon Chamula, there was an armed attack against Maria de la Luz Hernandez, candidate for mayor for MORENA, which left one dead and two injured, including a minor. Finally, Linda Higuera Gutierrez, candidate of the Green Ecologist Party of Mexico, for the municipal presidency of San Cristobal de las Casas, reported that she suffered an attack in which two people on a motorcycle insulted her and her team and damaged the vehicle. in which they traveled.

Given the events, the Institute of Elections and Citizen Participation (IEPC) of Chiapas expressed its concern and called to respect people’s lives and stop incidents of violence.

‘’The Institute of Elections and Citizen Participation (IEPC) of Chiapas expresses its concern about the increase in violent incidents against candidates participating in the electoral contest, which have been registered in different parts of the local geography, and requests from the corresponding authorities, immediate attention to offer to the players in the process and the citizens security guarantees so that they can exercise their political and electoral rights in an environment of freedom and without violence.”

It also reported that to date, at least 515 candidates for various election positions from 11 parties and two coalitions have resigned.

For more information in Spanish:

A 14 días de la elección han renunciado 515 candidatos en Chiapas (Proceso, 20 de mayo de 2024)

Sin freno, la violencia electoral en Chiapas; 15 muertos en cuatro días (La Jornada 20 de mayo de 2024)

For more information from SIPAZ:

Chiapas: Candidate for Municipal Presidency of La Concordia Murdered (May 19, 2024)

Chiapas : obispos denuncian que no hay condiciones para elecciones en algunas zonas del estado (May16, 2024)
Chiapas: Candidate for Mayor Wounded in Attack in Rayon (May 14, 2024)
Chiapas: Benemerito de las Americas Municipal Presidency Candidate Attacked (May 7, 2024)

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