Chiapas: Eight Police Held in Frontera Corozal, Ocosingo, for Alleged Crime Links


Since October 12th, residents and authorities of Frontera Corozal, municipality of Ocosingo, have detained eight state police officers assigned to the Lacandon area based in Crucero San Javier and 20 residents, whom they accuse of participating in illegal activities and of “having links with organized crime.”

Since the previous day they had declared themselves in “a permanent demonstration due to the insecurity that prevails in this community by criminal groups that have kept the population in state of anxiety, because they have violently entered homes to kidnap members of the family to disappear, torture and/or murder them.”

They stated that “the null and timely response on the part of national security such as the National Guard and the Mexican Army triggered the people to rise up to energetically demand with indefinite sit-in actions, patrols on the roads and surveillance inside and outside the community, actions that the National Guard should carry out” (sic). They questioned why “having started the movement for the security of the community itself, the armed forces and the National Guard have arrived late, with few members, without security having been guaranteed so far.”

To date, they continue to request the federal and state governments for the permanent and definitive presence of the National Guard in that town, to carry out combat actions against a criminal group that operates within the Lacandon area, particularly in Lacanja Chansayab and Crucero San Javier.

At the same time, they denied “the assertion by the President of the Republic, Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, that the people of Frontera Corozal detained agents of the National Guard and the Navy, something that lacks any truth, since in no case they have been detained”, a claim that the President made in his morning conference on October 16th and in which he called on the residents not to engage in acts of violence,

It is worth remembering that on September 8th, a massive march was held with the participation of residents of Frontera Corozal, San Javier and Nueva Palestina, the three largest communities of the Lacandon Jungle in this area to demand the intervention of the authorities. However, they say, threats against the population have increased.

For more information in Spaniish:

Exigen en Frontera Corozal, Chiapas, seguridad ante grupos delictivos (La Jornada, 17 de octubre de 2023)

Retienen a 8 policías y 20 pobladores en Ocosingo (La Jornada, 16 de octubre de 2023)

Pobladores de Corozal, en la Lacandona, retuvieron a elementos de la Guardia Nacional: AMLO (Proceso, 16 de octubre de 2023)

Comuneros de Frontera Corozal acusan inacción contra crimen organizado, continuan policías retenidos (Chiapas Paralelo, 16 de octubre de 2023)

Pobladores de Frontera Corozal, Chiapas, retienen a ocho policías estatales; los acusan de vínculos criminales (Animal Político, 15 de octubre de 2023)

For more information from SIPAZ:

Chiapas: Marchan para denunciar violencia y pedir seguridad en Nueva Palestina (September 8, 2023)

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