Oaxaca: David Venegas still jailed, SIPAZ conducts interview

Telephone interview with David Venegas Reyes who, after winning his third appeal, remains jailed in the Ixcotel Jail in Oaxaca (1/28/08)

On December 27th, 2007 David Venegas won a third appeal against the September 18th 2007 sentence to prison made by the Mixed Court of the First District of Tlacolula of Matamoros.

Winning this appeal should have ensured the release of David Venegas. However, due to irregularities in the judicial process, legal proceedings in his case have slowed, leading to a delay in his release and his freedom.

In the interview, David talks about his case and situation. He also speaks to the new accusations (recently published in the newspaper, ADIARIO) about his supposed involvement with VOCAL (Oaxacan Voices Creating Autonomy and Liberty), and the EPR (the Army of Popular Revolution)

For more information about David Venegas:

BOLETÍN URGENTE: David Venegas Reyes gana otro Amparo. El Ministerio Público Federal interpone Recurso de Revisión (NODHO, 30/01/2008)

David’s letter from jail (in Spanish)

Nuevos cargos imputados a David Venegas Reyes (audio entrevista con SIPAZ, 24/10/2007)

Seguimiento de Acción Urgente (NODHO, 25/09/2007)

Testimonio de David Venegas sobre su detención (informe de SIPAZ sobre Oaxaca, abril 2007)

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