Oaxaca: Freedom for Three Political Prisoners from Eloxochitlan after Ten Years in Prison


On June 13th, following long struggle by the Mazatecas for Freedom collective and residents of Eloxochitlan in Flores Magon, Oaxaca; Alfredo Bolaños, Fernando Gavito and Francisco Duran, now former political prisoners, obtained their freedom after ten years of preventive detention.

Alfredo Bolaños, Francisco Duran and Fernando Gavito were arrested in 2014 without a sentence and without any evidence for the crime of attempted murder against Elisa Zepeda Lagunas, head of the Women’s Secretariat of the government of Oaxaca, and her father, Manuel Zepeda Cortes, municipal president of Eloxochitlan.

On Thursday, June 12th, after the hearing on precautionary measures that took place in the Huatla Court, the resolution by which they were granted their freedom was announced. Relatives and residents from Eloxochitlan who were outside the court waiting for news, celebrated this resolution.

For more information in Spanish:

Libres, tres presos políticos de Eloxochitlán de Flores Magón (Desinformémonos 13 de junio de 2024)

Recuperan su libertad tres presos mazatecos de Eloxochitlán de Flores Magón, Oaxaca (Educa 13 de junio de 2024)

Tras 10 años en prisión, liberan a presos políticos de Eloxochitlán, Oaxaca, acusados de homicidio (El Universal, 13 de junio de 2024)

For more information from SIPAZ:

Oaxaca: Freedom for Two of the Five Eloxochitlan Political Prisoners in Oaxaca (October 6, 2023)

Chiapas: San Juan Cancuc Prisoners Sentenced 25 Years Imprisonment (May 23, 2023)
Chiapas: Demands for Release of San Juan Cancuc Prisoners Continue (April 29, 2023)
Chiapas: Days of Actions against Criminalization and for for Liberty of Political Prisoners in Chiapas (September 19, 2023)

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