Guerrero: Increasing Violence in State

Violence has multiple expressions and the state of Guerrero has been experiencing them daily throughout its territory for several years now.

Alarming rates have recently been reached. In Acapulco alone so far this year there have been 200 deaths and in the same period at least 60 women have been murdered in the state. According to information from the Executive Secretariat of the National Public Security System (SESNSP). 542 cases of intentional homicides were registered in the first five months at state level. In May 100 people were killed, ranking eighth nationally. Acapulco appears as the fifth city with the most intentional homicides in the entire country. The city of Iguala is located in 27th place.

In addition, in recent weeks the violence has reached the state capital, there is talk of a break in the truce between two organized crime groups, “Los Tlacos” and “Los Ardillos”, who are vying for control of Chilpancingo. This led to a day of executions during the first weeks of June and a shortage and rise in the price of chicken because some of the murdered people were dedicated to the sale and distribution of this commodity, which indicates how immersed it is crime in the different legal and illegal economic activities.

“The new hurricanes of violence in Guerrero are devastating because organized crime groups have acquired naturalization cards in the seven regions of the state. Their omnipresence has been normalized to the degree that they have imposed the gangster style of cacique and military repression, which the criminal state implanted in the dirty war,” La Montaña Tlachinollan Human Rights Center warned.

For more information in Spanish: 

Guerrero: los huracanes de la violencia (Tlachinollan, 24 de junio de 2022)

La verdad detrás de los últimos ataques violentos contra los trabajadores de carne de pollo en Chilpancingo (infobae 20 de junio de 2022)

Rompen tregua Los Tlacos y Los Ardillos y se disputan el municipio de Chilpancingo (El Sur, 10 de junio de 2022)

Violencia no cesa; en 4 días asesinan a 6 mujeres en Guerrero (El Universal, 20 de junio de 2022)

En Guerrero, asesinan a ex fiscal regional y a ex agente del MP de Iguala(Milenio, 17 de junio de 2022)

For more infrmation from SIPAZ:

Guerrero: “Catastrophic Panorama” as COVID-19 Cases Rebound (January 14th, 2022)
Guerrero: “Your Name Which I Never Forget”, XXVII Work Report of La Montaña Tlachinollan Human Rights Center (December 31, 2021)

Guerrero: Secuestran y ejecutan al luchador social Salvador Catalán Barragán y a su hijastro en Chilpancingo (December 14, 2021)

Guerrero: En la Montaña, habitantes piden a AMLO atender los ejes primordiales para tener una vida digna (October 28, 2021)

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