Chiapas: Over Four Thousand Displaced Flee from Tila

@Chiapas Paralelo

On June 7th, a police-military deployment made up of more than 500 elements was implemented in the capital of Tila. According to the State Attorney General’s Office (FGE), 4,187 people were hiding in their homes due to the acts of violence caused by groups of armed civilians that left at least two dead, 17 buildings burned, businesses looted and 21 vehicles destroyed in the days before they left the town. They were transferred to various shelters in the state (mainly Yajalon) or sought refuge in relatives’ homes in other municipalities. They represent almost half of the population of the Tila capital.

Our Lady of Sorrows Parish of the neighboring municipality of Sabanilla and the Caritas organization of the Catholic Church launched a call for solidarity to care for the displaced.

According to the testimonies collected, the clashes derive from the conflict between “the autonomous” and the group called “Karma” for control of the Ejido.

In an Urgent Action on this situation, the National Network of Human Rights Civil Organizations “All Rights for All” (TDT Network) pointed out that “this scenario of violence has a history, which was publicly denounced, without the authorities of the three levels of government taking the necessary measures to prevent its escalation. Over the last few years, several antagonistic armed groups have emerged, causing murders, threats, extortion, and various forms of violence, terrorizing the general population.”

It also recalled that “in Chiapas there is a dispute between organized crime groups with the participation of local armed organizations. Different indications show that this situation could be framed in this context, where legal and illegal economies are disputed, as well as population control of the territory and communication routes.’’

For more information in Spanish:

Situación en Tila requiere atención inmediata del Gobierno: Red TDT (La Jornada, 10 de junio de 2024)

Dos grupos se disputan el poder en Tila, Chiapas (La Jornada, 10 de junio de 2024)

Chiapas): Más de cuatro mil desplazados de Tila exigen garantías para volver a sus casas tras violencia (Aristegui Noticias, 10 de junio de 2024)

Huyen más de 4 mil personas por hechos de violencia en Tila (Proceso, 9 de junio de 2024)

Una semana de horror en Tila, Chiapas: 4.187 desplazados, al menos dos muertos y decenas de casas y autos quemados (El País, 9 de junio de 2024)

For more information from SIPAZ:
Chiapas: Violence Erupts Again in Tila (June 11, 2024)

Chiapas: CNI Member Murdered in Tila (January 17, 2024)
Chiapas: Presence of Security Forces Demanded in Tila Due to Violence of organized Crime (October 20, 2023)
Chiapas/National: Over 200 Organizations Speak out against Increase of Violence in Chiapas (October 3, 2023)

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