Atenco: the Campaign “Liberty and Justice for Atenco” begins

On February 17 the National and International Campaign for “Liberty and Justice for Atenco” was initiated with the objective of the liberation of the 13 prisoners of San Salvador Atenco and the end of political persecution against three more people. This campaign began this week with forums of analysis, discussions, events, and visibility for the permanent sit-in which was set up in the prison Molino de las Flores. It also plans to organize visits with all the prisoners and publish interviews with them.

According to the organizations and individuals who have backed this campaign (for example Don Samuel Ruíz, Manu Chao, Diego Luna, Paco Ignacio Taibo II, Los de Abajo, and Adolfo Gilly), the intention is to make sure the events that occurred in San Salvador Atenco on May 3 and 4 of 2006 and the people who are still imprisoned unjustly are not forgotten.

Click on the photo to see more photos of the event

In the press conference which took place along with the launching of this Campaign, they stressed that “The court failed, it did not do its duty; it did not carry out justice like the constitutional court should have”, referencing the report by the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation (SCJN) on February 3. They also emphasized that it was not a campaign against impunity but in favor of the liberation of prisoners.

The 13 prisoners who remain incarcerated in the two prisons of Molino de las Flores and Antiplano are:

For More Information (In Spanish):

Sitio oficial de la Campaña “Libertad y Justicia para Atenco”

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