Chiapas: Political-electoral Violence Threatens the Lives of Children and Adolescents

In a statement published on June 10th, the Network for the Rights of Children and Adolescents in Chiapas (Redias) denounced that “violence due to political disputes threatens the life and integrity of children and adolescents in at least ten municipalities of Chiapas.” It declared that during the most recent electoral process, “eight girls, boys and adolescents have been murdered and three more were injured.” It recalled that, in this period, “a total of 29 attacks and eight murders of candidates were recorded. Mostly in the months of May and June.” It gave details of the cases that led to the death of minors.

REDIAS expressed its “deep concern about the conflicts between political groups and/or armed groups that put the lives of children and adolescents at risk, particularly in the municipalities of Acapetahua, Berriozabal, Chicomuselo, La Concordia, Oxchuc, Pantelho, Rincon Chamula, San Fernando, Simojovel and Tila. The tension and escalation of armed violence for the control of local political power puts the lives of approximately 200 thousand girls, boys and adolescents in said municipalities at risk.”

It demanded that the authorities “recognize the situation of violence experienced in the state and apply measures to guarantee the comprehensive protection of children and adolescents”; “immediate attention to the humanitarian crisis experienced by residents in Tila and Pantelho; with emphasis on the population of girls, boys and adolescents who are victims of forced displacement”; and “forceful actions to contain the escalation of post-electoral violence and guarantee the transition of new authorities at the municipal level in a peaceful manner.”

For more information in Spanish:

Violencia por disputas políticas atentan la vida de niñas y niños (REDIAS, 10 de junio de 2024)

Solicitan medidas de protección para las infancias (Cuarto Poder, 11 de junio de 2024)

Violencia política en Chiapas deja saldo de 8 menores de edad asesinados (El Sol de México, 11 de junio de 2024)

For more information from SIPAZ:

Chiapas: Presentation of Report on Disappearances, “Touching The Void” (April 14, 2024)
Chiapas: Presentation of Report “Childhoods Facing Criminal Violence in San Cristobal de Las Casas” (February 27, 2024)
Chiapas: Altar To Remember Murdered Boys, Girls and Adolescents in Chiapas (November 6, 2023)
Chiapas: Deep Concern over Increase in Armed Violence and Consequences for Youth (June 7, 2023)

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