Guerrero: SIPAZ and Tlachinollan Human Rights Center of the Montaña launch international mission to document human rights violations


La Parota: Assembly in Agua Caliente, August 12, 2007 [Source: CDHM Tlachinollan]

On the invitation of International Service for Peace (SIPAZ) and the Tlachinollan Human Rights Center of the Montaña, a delegation of 12 NGO representatives from Austria, the United States, France, England, Sweden, Switzerland and Latin America will visit Guerrero between March 7 and 14. Their aim is to investigate the state’s current human rights situation.

Over the seven day visit, the delegation will visit communities whose rights to land and territory are under threat, as well as those who are organizing in response to the situation of impunity, corruption, discrimination and serious human rights violations which is present in Guerrero.

The delegation will begin with a visit to the Council of Ejidos and Communities Opposed to La Parota (Consejo de Ejidos y Comunidades Opositores a La Parota), to be followed on Saturday March 8 by a midday visit to the strike at Dos Arroyos. They will continue their journey along the Costa Chica and Costa Montaña of Guerrero, where they will hold meetings with indigenous and campesino organizations and victims of human rights violations.

The director of the Tlachinollan Human Rights Center of the Montaña, Abel Barrera Hernández, considers that this visit “represents for the victims of human rights violations another opportunity to share their stories at an international level. Their individual cases demonstrate an unchanging, systematic pattern of behavior maintained by the authorities responsible for promoting and administrating justice, as well as guaranteeing the security and physical integrity of individuals, and peace in the impoverished regions of this state.”

For more information:

Web page of the Tlachinollan Human Rights Center

Press Release in Spanish “Delegación de SIPAZ visitará Guerrero” (Tlachinollan, 07/03/2008)

SIPAZ webpage: Guerrero

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