Oaxaca: September Earthquake Victims Block Highways on the Isthmus and Coast

EarthquakeVictims blockade on the coast of Oaxaca (@Tiempo Digital)

On November 29th, people affected by the September earthquakes that particularly affected the state of Oaxaca blocked roads on the Salina Cruz-La Ventosa stretches, in the vicinity of Mixtequilla and on the Huatulco-Salina Cruz highway, at Santiago Astata to denounce the absence of responses to the problems from the authorities almost three months after the earthquakes.

The victims regretted taking these actions, but “the government does not pay any attention to us, nor to the municipal president himself”, so “they did not let us exert any other pressure”.

They affirmed that the promises of support for housing have not been fulfilled, there are cloned cards, and the census is incomplete because the Secretariat of Agrarian, Territorial and Urban Development (SEDATU in its Spanish acronym) has a list of more than 1,020 damaged houses, but support has only arrived arrived for 480.

For more information in Spanish:

Damnificados por sismos bloquean carreteras en Oaxaca para exigir apoyos (Proceso, 29 de noviembre de 2017)

Damnificados de Juchitán siguen molestos (Imparcial de Oaxaca, 2 de diciembre de 2017)

Damnificados por el sismo en Oaxaca están desesperados y hartos: senador (El Sur, 2 de septiembre de 2017)

For more information from SIPAZ:

Nacional: México, sacudido por dos potentes sismos enfrenta el shock con una gran ola de solidaridad (26 de septiembre de 2017)

Oaxaca : ONGs denuncian “respuesta inadecuada e insuficiente de los tres niveles de gobierno” ante desastre por el sismo (19 de septiembre del 2017)

Nacional: sismo de 8,2 grados Richter. Fuertes afectaciones en Chiapas y Oaxaca (14 de septiembre del 2017)

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