Atenco: The case of Atenco before the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation

Source. El Porvenir

Source: El Porvenir

On January 21 of this year Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation (SCJN) released the “Public version of the report evaluating the constitutional investigation carried out by a special committee in their report on 3/2006”. In this document they present the results of an investigation into the events that occurred in Texcoco and San Salvador Atenco, in Mexico State, on May 3 and 4. On February 9 the findings will be reviewed by the full court.

The investigation indicates that the police operation demonstrated “negligence and lack of professionalism” and that resulted in “abuses, cruel and inhumane treatment, the use of excessive force, rape, and torture”. It concludes that “it is necessary that in the discussion and the final conclusion it is established that very grave violations occurred including torture and sexual violations against women”. The Collective against Torture and Impunity in Mexico, the Human Rights Center Miguel Agustin Pro Juarez, and the Network of Rights for Everyone commented that the report “is a step towards justice for Atenco”, but that it lacked the clear conclusion that there was “torture and sexual violations of women”.

Only days after the publication of the provisional report, Amnesty International (AI) stated that “the investigation carried out by the Supreme Court brings to light a long list of human rights violations that have remained un-addressed” and that it is “essential” that the highest Mexican court “decide on a positive resolution, based on international statutes signed by Mexico”. It also asked the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation (SCJN) to support the report written by the investigative commission into the abuses committed in the police operation so that impunity could be stopped.

The police operation, in which more that 4 thousand members of the Department of Federal Public Security (SSPF) and the Agency of State Security of the State of Mexico (ASEEM) participated, left of toll of 207 detained, two youths killed, and around 50 women who suffered violations, sexual abuse, torture, and illegal searches.

For More Information (In Spanish):

Versión pública del dictamen que valora la investigación constitucional realizada por la comisión designada en el expediente 3/2006, Suprema Corte de Justicia de la Nación (21/01/2009)

Atenco y la Suprema Corte de Justicia de la Nación, La Jornada (24/01/2009)

Las agresiones en Atenco, alentadas por superiores: dictamen de la Corte, La Jornada (29/01/2009)

Difunde Corte dictamen sobre caso Atenco, El Universal (03/02/2009)

México: La Corte Suprema debe apoyar el informe sobre Atenco y abrir la puerta a la justicia, Amnistía Internacional (06/02/2009)

Ante la discusión del dictamen sobre Atenco de la SCJN: Justicia o impunidad: Comisión Civil Internacional de Observación por los Derechos Humanos, Boletín 38 (07/02/2009)

Pide Amnistía Internacional a la Corte respaldar el informe sobre el caso Atenco, La Jornada (07/02/2009)

Pide América del Valle a los ministros no prolongar injusticia e impunidad en Atenco, La Jornada (09/02/2009)

El proyecto de la Corte sobre Atenco puede otorgar impunidad a funcionarios, La Jornada (09/02/2009)

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