Chiapas: The Abejas Pilgrimage

On August 11th the Civil Society Las Abejas once again demonstrated their indignation and anger with regards to media reports that approximately 40 prisoners accused and sentenced for the Acteal massacre will soon be released. About 100 members of Las Abejas marched in a pilgrimage that began at the Quinta San Martin in San Cristobal de Las Casas and ended in the Cathedral plaza. The group sang, prayed and denounced the decision of the “Supreme Court of Injustice” which is expected August 12th. The group gathered on the steps of the Cathedral and held pictures of their loved ones who died in the massacre, as well as crosses with the names of the 45 people whose lives were lost on December 22, 1997. Bishop Felipe Arizmendi, members of the Otra Campaña, as well as members of other organizations and movements met them at the Cathedral.

In a statement, the Network for Peace, a coalition of various organizations in Chiapas, expressed its most “energetic rejection to the possible release of the perpetrators of the inhuman crime committed in Acteal on December 22nd, 1997.” The statement went on to say such a decision by Mexico’s Supreme Court “could result in a decision that is based on the exclusive revision of formalities related to judicial process without looking deeper into the penal responsibility of the people behind the crime, guaranteeing that crimes similar to the one committed in Acteal go unpunished.” They also stressed that in terms of the work alongside indigenous communities, the Acteal massacre “continues to be extraordinarily relevant because of the scale and repercussions of the crime. For this we demand the judges of the Supreme Court to carefully consider the possible outcome of their decision.”

For more information:

Boletín del Centro de Derechos Humanos Fray Bartolomé de Las Casas (11/08/09)

Pronunciamiento de la Red por la Paz (11/08/09)

-La Jornada : La Suprema Corte decidirá hoy sobre amparos en el caso Acteal (12/08/09)

– Cuarto Poder : Familiares refutarán de frente a la SCJN (12/08/09)

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