Chiapas: Denunciation from Caracol V, Roberto Barrios

On June 10, through a communique, the Junta de Buen Gobierno (JBG) New seed that will produce, located in the Caracol V, Roberto Barrios in the Northern Zone of Chiapas, reported that a group of provocateurs was trying to seize a community belonging to Zapatista Choles of Tumbalá, in the autonomous municipality of “El Trabajo”, near the city of Palenque. The JBG reported a series of threats and attacks between May and June, and noted as being responsible, a group of people supported by the Xi ‘Nich “official” led by Mario Landeros Cárdenas. They stated that the perpetrators “feel protected by the government “and that although the JBG “wanted to settle the conflict in a good manner,” citing those involved, “we only received mockery. “

The statement also said “All these events are part of the same counterinsurgency strategy of the bourgeois government directed against our people who struggle and resist against the neoliberal plan that is intended to weaken our resistance, buying the same leaders who serve the interests of rich and the government, to deceive, mislead and manipulate the poor, leading to the creation of conflict between the screwed in our society. (…) We are the rightful owners of this land by history because it is where the bodies of our grandparents are, recovered in 1994, it was paid for with the life and blood of our compañeros and we will defend it by whatever means necessary. “

For more information (in Spanish):

Comunicado completo de la JBG (10 de junio)

– Denuncia JBG invasión en el poblado Choles de Tumbalá (La Jornada, 12 de junio)

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