Mexico: National Day Against Forgetting and Impunity by the FNLS

Press-conference @ SIPAZ

In a press-conference on 25 May, the National Front of Struggle for Socialism (FNLS), in coordination witht he Committee of Relatives of the Detained and Disappeared “Until We Find them,” made a general invitation to the “National Day against Forgetting and Impunity ‘No more forced disappearances,'” which will be held from 25 to 30 May in different parts of Mexico, among them being San Cristóbal de Las Casas, Chiapas.  Its representatives declared that they seek to unite forces so as to find more than 50 disappeared individuals, such as Edmundo Reyes, Alberto Cruz Sánchez, and Francisco Paredes Ruiz, all of them socialist activists from Oaxaca.

“Nearly 4 years after the forced disappearance of the Edmundo Reyes Amaya and Gabriel Alberto Cruz Sánchez, of the human-rights defender Francisco Paredes Ruiz, Daniela and Virginia Ortiz, Lauro Juarez, and that of others victimized by forced disappearance for whatever reason, we call for solidarity for those who demand the presentation with life of these persons, for those who demand a halt to violence and State terrorism, to join forces in favor of popular movements to eradicate these crimes against humanity,” they affirmed in a communiqué.

The National Day, which began on 1 May, “is a date we remember for the struggles of the workers of the world for their emancipation against the exploitation of the bourgeoisie,” and was to end on 30 May, was declared International Week of the Detained and Disappeared by the United Nations.

For more information (in Spanish):

Gobierno mexicano, responsable de los indígenas desaparecidos en Chiapas, Escrutinio Público, 27 May 2011

FNLS hace manifestación, Cuarto Poder, 26 May 2011

Realizarán Jornada Nacional Contra la Impunidad y el Olvido, Milenio, 25 May 2011

Jornada Nacional Contra la Impunidad y el Olvido “No mas despariciones forzadas”, El Imparcial de Chiapas, 25 May 2011

FNLS:Jornada Nacional Contra el Olvido y la Impunidad “No más desapariciones forzadas”, Chiapas La Otra Cara, 2 May 2011

Boletín de prensa, FNLS, 25 May 2011

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