Oaxaca: Fast for justice, 5 years after the murder of José Jiménez Colmenares

Conferencia de prensa frente al Palacio de Gobierno de Oaxaca @ SIPAZ

Conferencia de prensa frente al Palacio de Gobierno de Oaxaca @ SIPAZ

On 10 August in Oaxaca de Juárez in front of the Palace of Governance, 21 individuals from different social organizations carried out a fast of 8 hours to demand justice in the case of the murder of José Jiménez Colmenares, now that the fifth anniversary of his death has has passed.  Similarly, they demand an investigation into all of the cases of murder and torture within the context of the social conflict of 2006-7 in Oaxaca.  The call to fast was made by COFADAPPO (Committee of Relatives and Friends of the Disappeared, Murdered, and Political Prisoners of Oaxaca) and the State Front of Victims.

The widow of Jiménez Colmenares, Florina Jiménez Lucas, recalled at a press-conference that “his death was immediate, like his courage, and the crime of the state has been documented and classified as the primary operation coordinated by the white guards of the government of Ulises Ruiz against the social movement.”  She added that “we continue to experience the same practices of delay and lack of access to justice practiced by the former government.  In light of this, we maintain our demand for justice and truth.”

For more information (in Spanish):

Boletín de prensa: A 5 años, justicia para José Jiménez Colmenares (10 August 2011)

Noticias Oaxaca: Jiménez Colmenares, 5 años de impunidad (10 August2011)

Quadratin: Con ayuno, exigen justicia para Jiménez Colmenares (10 August 2011)

For more information from SIPAZ (in English):

Testimony of widows of the socio-political conflict in Oaxaca (8 August 2007)

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