National: CNI Organizes Forum “In the Midst of Electoral Farce, the Capitalist War against the Peoples’’

On May 18th, the National Indigenous Congress (CNI) convened a Forum titled “In the midst of Electoral Farce, the Capitalist War against the Peoples” that was held at the House of Indigenous Peoples and Communities “Samir Flores Soberanes.’’ in Mexico City.

In the call it explained that it speaks of an “electoral farce” when “we see that in recent weeks, nothing matters other than their votes, their polls, their debates, their numbers and their electoral preferences; but above all, their strategy to attack and disqualify their enemies, as a campaign strategy. This June 2nd, a “democracy” is not in dispute, much less a leftist one (as they sell the idea), what is really in dispute is an economic and political power, which seeks to sustain itself with militarization, with impunity, with privileges and with the accumulation of wealth in the hands of many at the service of large transnational corporations; that is, their plan is to sustain this “Fourth Transformation”, with a CAPITALIST WAR against the indigenous peoples and communities.”

Within the framework of the Forum, several ways in which this last stage of the “war of extermination” is experienced were denounced: the harassment and attacks on the autonomous Zapatista communities in the region of Moises y Gandhi, official municipality of Ocosingo; the Otomi community residing in CDMX, the bad government directs its strategies and attacks against its compañeros; the towns of the Cholulteca region in Puebla; the lack of progress in the Ayotzinapa case; the more than 116 thousand missing people, the 782,176 migrants detained in Mexico in 2023; the murders of 56 journalists and community communicators in the last six years; the “systematic pattern of criminalization is a true factory of culprits, even more so when it comes to indigenous peoples who defend the land and territory”; as well as the stigmatization and disqualification of organizations that defend human rights.

Given this scenario, the participants confirmed that they will continue fighting.

For more information in Spanish:

Comunicado en medio de la farsa electoral, la guerra capitalista contra los pueblos (CNI, 18 de mayo de 2024)


For more information from SIPAZ:

Oaxaca/Nacional: Desalojan campamento de Mogoñe Viejo, Guichicovi después del paso de la caravana El Sur resiste (April 29, 2023)

National: Agreements of the Second National Assembly for Water and Life “All for Ricardo and Antonio” (February 23, 2023)
National: CNI Calls for Global Action against Militarization and War (October 7, 2022)

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