Oaxaca/Chiapas: new confrontation in the Chimalapas region leaves two injured and four arrested

Los Chimalapas (@Radiozapatista)

Los Chimalapas (@Radiozapatista)

On 18 May, a confrontation between residents of San Antonio Chimalapa, pertaining to San Miguel Chimalapa, and residents from Chiapas state left two injured and four arrested.

In mid-April, it had been agreed in a meeting with federal authorities that within a month’s time, there would held another meeting between both state governments at the Secretary for Governance. It should be noted that following a presidential decree in 1967, the communards of Santa María Chimalapas were granted thousands of hectares of land by the federal government on the border between Chiapas and Oaxaca, leading to conflicts regarding previous resolutions and previously existing land-management systems.

For more information (in Spanish):

Una vez más los Chimalapas (NSS Oaxaca, 20 de mayo de 2015)

Piden a Manuel Velasco mediar por 4 detenidos por disputa en Chimalapas(Proceso, 19 de mayo de 2015)

Edil de Chimalapas pide que Ejército detenga invasión de comuneros de Chiapas (Página3, 19 de mayo de 2015)

Enfrentamiento en Chimapala deja dos heridos y 4 chiapanecos retenidos(Noticiasnet, 18 de mayo de 2015)

For more information from SIPAZ:

Chiapas/Oaxaca: Aggressions continue in the Chimalapas conflict (1 March 2014)

Oaxaca/Chiapas: meeting among governors in Governance regarding Chimalapas case (18 May 2012)

Oaxaca/Chiapas: Possible “electoral fraud” is denounced in the Chimalapas region (3 April 2012)

Oaxaca/Chiapas: Update in the Chimalapas case (6 March 2012)

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