National: National Network of Farm Laborers (REJJA) Calls for More Information and Support about Risks of Coronavirus for Workers


On March 18th, the National Network of Farm Laborers (REJJA), which represents workers in the states of Chiapas, Oaxaca, Guerrero, Guanajuato, San Luis Potosi, Mexico City, Sinaloa, and Sonora, called authorities to disseminate reliable information to farm laborers about the risk of contagion of coronavirus and the precautions they may take.

They stressed that if the authorities and employers do not take measures to protect the day laborers, the situation could escalate to a public health crisis quickly, since there are nine million people with this type of employment.

Farm laborers in Mexico are a group that has historically seen their labor rights systematically violated, a vulnerability that has become the norm.

The statement calls on the authorities of the three levels of government and employers who employ farm laborers to take the following five steps:

  1. Take the necessary measures to protect the health of the farm laborer population, including the design and implementation of an emergent comprehensive plan or protocol of health care for agricultural workers in contexts of mobility and outside of it in the face of a health emergency context due to Coronavirus (Covid-19).
  2. Provide guarantees of information, prevention and health protection for migrant, local and settled farm laborers through health brigades to homes or agricultural fields with an intercultural perspective.
  3. That the municipal authorities of the states of attraction, reception and settlement of the farm laborer population implement informative, preventive and monitoring actions to the state of health of the farm laborer population.
  4. That the municipal authorities of the states of attraction, reception and settlement of the farm laborer population guarantee sanitation conditions in the shelters and in the work spaces, providing running water and soap for hand hygiene and in general.
  5. That the municipal authorities of the states of attraction, reception and settlement of the farm laborer population generate mechanisms to verify the sanitary and health conditions of hostels, school classrooms and children’s centers for the farm laborer population and their families, with the purpose of guaranteeing compliance with the minimum standards that the federal government is mandating.

For more information in Spanish:

Pronunciamiento: Un llamado emergente en atender la vulnerabilidad de la población jornalera en México ante el Coronavirus Red Nacional de Jornaleros y Jornaleras (REJJA), 18 de marzo de 2020.

Ante coronavirus COVID-19 Red Nacional de Jornaleros y Jornaleras llaman a atender a esta población Somos el Medio, 20 de marzo de 2020.


For more information from SIPAZ:

National/Guerrero: Forum regarding discussion of human rights of agricultural day laborers within the Senate (July 19, 2013)

Guerrero: la larga marcha de los jornaleros 3 de noviembre de 2007

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