Chiapas: March/Pilgrimage in Defense of Wetlands in San Cristobal de Las Casas

@Chiapas Paralerlo

On May 2nd, within the framework of Holy Cross Day, more than 200 people from different neighborhood organizations, human rights groups and priests of the diocese held a march/pilgrimage in San Cristobal de Las Casas in defense of the wetlands. Likewise, the swamp located in the 5 de Marzo neighborhood was declared a sacred site, in order to raise awareness about the need to preserve them and conserve water.

The main objective of the “Pilgrimage in Defense of Water, Wetlands, Mother Earth and Life” was to organize “an act to say that where extractivist interests see money and destruction, we see life in abundance. With this declaration of a sacred place we know that this place becomes land and water for everyone. Water is not only for a few, water is for everyone and we must all defend it and take care of it, be guardians of water and of Mother Earth”, the organizers explained.

For more information in Spanish:

Marchan por los humedales de montaña en San Cristóbal (La Jornada, 3 de mayo de 2021)

Declaran lugar sagrado la cienega 5 de Marzo, en San Cristóbal de Las Casas (Chiapas Paralelo, 3 de mayo de 2021)

Peregrinan en defensa de los humedales (Diario de Chiapas, 3 de mayo de 2021)

Defensores de humedales declaran lugar sagrado la Ciénega 5 de Marzo (El Heraldo de Chiapas, 2 de mayo de 2021)

For more information from SIPAZ:

Chiapas : marchan-peregrinan en defensa de los humedales en San Cristóbal de Las Casas (February 8, 2021)

Chiapas: Protest in Defense of Wetlands in San Cristobal de Las Casas (December 21, 2020)

Chiapas: con bloqueo total, exigen protección de los humedales de San Cristóbal de Las Casas (September 15, 2020)

Chiapas: Over 26 Thousand Signatures to Demand Revocation of Coca-Cola Concession in San Cristobal de Las Casas (June 24, 2020)

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