Guerrero: 100 Days of Evelyn Salgado in Office Show Lack of Results

@ La Jornada

La Montaña Tlachinollan Human Rights Center described the situation in which many sectors of the population of Guerrero find themselves 100 days after the new government of Evelyn Salgado Pineda where “there is no hue or color of change.” The lack of attention from state and municipal authorities to combat the growing violence in the state, the ravages of the pandemic and the collapse of the family economy has them “on the edge of survival”, it said.

Despite the high expectations generated by the victory of the MORENA governor Evelyn Salgado Pineda, the lack of results has begun to materialize in the anger of certain sectors through roadblocks, marches and protests in the streets and at government offices over the argument that the outgoing authorities caused a financial loss that left no reserves to cover operating expenses.

Contrary to the prompt and satisfactory answers, bureaucracy continues, the institutions continue the vices of corruption, continue with practices of contempt and indifference to the population, lack of dignified and truthful attention, the Center stated. Tlachinollan said that the state government must recognize that indigenous and Afro-Mexican peoples must be in the front line of work to meet the historical demands of rural communities that have also been under the yoke of a cacique political class. On the other hand, it added that the diagnosis reveals the collusion of local powers with criminal organizations where governability “depends on the pacts that the mayors sign with turf bosses.”

“Evelyn’s government must understand that its main alliance must be with the people, with ordinary citizens, with working women from the countryside and the city. Its strategic alliance must be with those from below, because there is the transforming, liberating and creative force of a true change”, it  concluded.

For more information in Spanish:

El tiempo pasa (Tlachinollan, 24 de enero de 2022)

Guerrero, sin definiciones a 100 días (El Universal, 23 de enero de 2022)

For more information from SIPAZ:

Guerrero: “Catastrophic Panorama” as COVID-19 Cases Rebound (January 14, 2022)

Guerrero: “Your Name Which I Never Forget”, XXVII Work Report of La Montaña Tlachinollan Human Rights Center (December 21, 2021)

Guerrero: Secuestran y ejecutan al luchador social Salvador Catalán Barragán y a su hijastro en Chilpancingo (December 14, 2021)

Guerrero: En la Montaña, habitantes piden a AMLO atender los ejes primordiales para tener una vida digna (October 28, 2021)

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