Chiapas: Confrontation in Ocozocoautla

@Chiapas Paralelo

On Sunday afternoon, September 13th, a group of armed men attacked state police officers. The events occurred on the Ocozocoautla-Villaflores highway section near the Espinal de Morelos community, between the Bonampak subdivision and the Las Piñuelas. There were at least four state troopers injured, one civilian injured and another dead.

Reports from residents indicate that there was an attack before the confrontation against the property of a head of the State Preventive Police. After these events, there was a confrontation between the police and the alleged attackers and, according to the Chiapas Prosecutor’s Office, four of the agents were injured and hospitalized. Security measures have been taken at the hospital where the injured were hospitalized, so the agents are now monitoring it.

According to residents, the following items were found at the scene: “various firearms, grenades, chargers, and flak jackets; as well as a dead male person and a wounded person of the same gender.” In addition, four vehicles were left abandoned at the scene, one of them on fire. Due to the circumstances and the security situation, classes have been suspended in schools in the region.

In general, the area is also considered by the inhabitants as a transit point for migrants, as well as a place where armed groups operate. In this case, it is suspected that there is a connection to the organized crime of a criminal group in relation to the event.

For more information in Spanish:

Enfrentamiento en Ocozocoautla deja un policía muerto (El Heraldo de Chiapas, 14 de noviembre 2022)

Enfrentamiento entre policías y hombres armados deja 4 heridos y un fallecido en Coita (Chiapas Paralelo, 14 de noviembre 2022)

Enfrentamiento armado en Chiapas deja 7 lesionados  (El Sol de Irapuato,13 de noviembre 2022)

For more information from SIPAZ:

Chiapas: Enfrentamiento entre grupos opuestos del crimen organizado y el ejército en Jiquipilas (10 de octubre 2022)

Chiapas: Violencia en Chamic no da tregua a habitantes y personas que transitan por la zona (17 de mayo de 2022)

Chiapas: Amenazan al párroco de Chicomuselo (17 de marzo de 2022)

Chiapas/Guerrero: Desplazamiento forzado, entre crimen organizado y megaproyectos. (26 de febrero de 2021)

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