Chiapas: New Armed Group in Pantelho with Aim of Expelling ‘‘El Machete’’


This Monday, June 3rd, 2023, information was released about the formation of a new self-defense group in the municipality of Pantelho in Chiapas. This new group of at least 200 residents, led by Jose Herrera Abarca, call themselves the “Civil Army of the Pantelho Indigenous People”, and according to a video released on social networks and WhatsApp groups, they affirm that they are taking up arms against of the self-styled self-defense group “El Machete”, who have held power since July 2021 and to whom they attribute 31 forced disappearances and other crimes.

Herrera Abarca is the brother of Austreberto and uncle of Deily, who are imprisoned for various crimes and for two decades maintained a cacicazgo and ruled the population of Pantelho, until El Machete appeared and displaced the Herreras and their group in 2021. Now, two years later, they are accused of similar crimes. “There has to be a change, because otherwise the local government will continue to harm us, it will continue to commit criminal acts as a criminal group. Gentlemen, we are here to prevent the return of violence. Let there be no more violence. We want the government to provide a solution, without shooting, without aggression. With respect to all those citizens who are inhabitants of this municipal center’’, said the leader of this new armed group.

The locals commented that the problem began on Saturday, when there were shootouts between the members of this group, who call themselves civilian soldiers, and those from El Machete, with no injuries reported.

In addition, they added that between Saturday and Sunday the municipal authorities and the members of El Machete withdrew from the capital, presumably to their stronghold, located in the town of San Jose Tercero.

It is worth mentioning that up to now, the Chiapas government has not confirmed the formation of this armed group and affirms that the area is kept in peace with the presence of armed forces.

For more information in Spanish:

Grupo armado toma la presidencia municipal de Pantelhó (Chiapas paralelo, 4 de julio de 2023)

Expulsan a El Machete de la cabecera municipal de Pantelhó (La Jornada, 4 de julio de 2023)

Surge nuevo grupo de autodefensas en Chiapas; busca expulsar a ‘El Machete’ (Mileno, 4 de julio de 2023)

For more information from SIPAZ:

Chiapas: Armed Group Attacks Displaced Persons in Chenalho – Seven Dead (June 6, 2023)

Chiapas: Partner of Leader of “El Machete” Self-Defense Group Murdered in Pantelho (March 3, 2023)

Chiapas: President of Pantelho Municipal Council Arrested for Alleged Participation in Disappearance of 19 People (June 25, 2022)

Chiapas: IACHR Visits Communities affected by Violence in Aldama, Chalchihuitan and Chenalho (July 17, 2022)

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