Chiapas: Declaration from the National and International Caravan of Observation and Solidarity with the Zapatista Communities of Chiapas

The National and International Caravan of Observation and Solidarity with the Zapatista Communities of Chiapas left Mexico City last July 28 destined for several zapatista communities in Chiapas and ended their trip on August 12. The caravan, according to its organizers, was made up of some 300 individuals from various European nations as well as the United States, Canada, Argentina and Mexico. The objective of the trip was a show of support with the zapatista communities which, in the last few months, have been subject to a significant increase in military and police operations.

To read the declaration (in Spanish), click on the link below:

Pronunciamiento de la Caravana Nacional e Internacional de Observación y Solidaridad con las Comunidades Zapatistas de Chiapas (08/08)

More information:

From the Caravan of Observation and Solidarity with the Zapatista Communities (NYC Independent Media Center, 01/08/08)

Marcos speaks to Solidarity Caravan in Chiapas (Mexico Solidarity Network, 09/08/08)

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