Guerrero: briefs – Supporters of La Parota demonstrate in front of the TUA; Academics deliver letter against La Parota to the TUA; Anniversary of Radio Ñomndaa held in spite of persecution

On December 14, roughly 600 supporters of the hydroelectric dam, La Parota, demonstrated outside of the United Agrarian Court (TUA) 41 to demand the resolution of the challenge to the April 28 assembly filed by the Consejo de Ejidos y Comunidades Opositoras a La Parota (CECOP) and warned that in the event of a negative vote, they would convene another meeting, “but we are going to succeed in continuing the project.” The demonstrators were received by the Secretary of Agreements, Jorge Paniagua Salazar, who said that  his duty is to listen to all parties, “to come to a fair resolution”, and that the date of the resolution was already “nearly” here and would be finished on that same day. It was also on that same day that the TUA received two amicus curiae letters from leading academics, as well as national and international organizations. These documents concern the right to consultation and land law, reaffirming the arguments of hundreds of letters in opposition to La Parota.

Lastly, on December 13, David Valtierra Arango, founder of Radio Ñomndaa, declared that “despite the persecution and aggression of the three levels of government”, Radio Ñomndaa will celebrate the sixth anniversary of the autonomous radio project on the 18 through the 20 of December in the municipality Suljaa’ (Xochistlahuaca). The event will include a series of activities such as discussion tables, cultural events, live broadcasting of programs by invited organizations and popular dance. The discussion tables will be centered on “finding tactics that permit free expression of community media and building a common and comprehensive defense against attacks by the oppressive system. “The anniversary of Radio Ñomndaa will be a celebration of having succeeded, with great effort and resources, in transmitting the voice of the people”, said Valtierra.

For More Information:

Simpatizantes de La Parota se manifiestan en el TUA 41(La Jornada, 15 de diciembre)

Marchan 600 simpatizantes de La Parota al TUA; exigen que los favorezca el fallo (El Sur Acapulco, 15 de diciembre)

Con Amicus Curiae, académicos y organizaciones refuerzan argumentos en contra de La Parota (CENCOS, 14 de diciembre)

Festejarán el sexto año de la Radio Ñomndaa a pesar de la persecución (La Jornada, 14 de diciembre)

For More Information from SIPAZ:

Guerrero: breves – Nuevas amenazas a dirigentes de la OPIM; inclusión de recursos en presupuesto federal destinados a La Parota; Invitación al sexto aniversario de Radio Ñomndaa(6 de diciembre 2010)

Guerrero – breves: Atentado contra periódico El Sur de Acapulco; Conflicto agrario en Jicayán de Tovar; Manifestación contra el proyecto hidroeléctrico de La Parota; Desalojo forzado de 350 familias en Puerto Marqués; Policía Comunitaria emite comunicado contra exploraciones mineras (17 de noviembre de 2010)

Guerrero: breves – Detienen a dirigente de CETEG; Se licitará La Parota: CFE (27 de octubre de 2010)

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