Oaxaca: Xoxocotlan Families Demand Return after Construction of GN Barracks on their Lands

@Pagina 3.mx

On April 3rd, families from Santa Cruz Xoxocotlan began a hunger strike at the entrance of the Government Palace of the city of Oaxaca with the aim of achieving the restitution of their property.

Before the media, they explained that a National Guard barracks was erected on their land. They asked for the governor’s urgent intervention, so that they can receive reparation, return or relocation measures.

It should be remembered that, in February 2022, the Secretariat of National Defense began the construction of the facilities in Oaxaca that would house the National Guard, which are located in the Chapulin area in Santa Cruz Xoxocotlan.

For more information in Spanish:

Desplazados de Xoxo exigen retorno en Oaxaca; construyeron cuartel de la GN en sus hogares (El Universal, 3 de abril de 2024)

Despojados de Xoxo exigen ahora restitución de sus tierras; las tiene la Guardia Nacional (Página 3.mx, 3 de abril de 2024)

Oaxaca contará con 20 cuarteles de la Guardia Nacional para este 2023 (NVI Noticias, 26 de noviembre de 2023)

Entregan terreno comuneros de Xoxocotlán a la Guardia Nacional para zona militar (Quadratin, 7 de agosto de 2021)

For more information from SIPAZ:

Chiapas: Prisoners from Demonstration against National Guard Barracks in Chilon to Continue Trial in Liberty (November 11, 2020)

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