Mexico: The Movement for Peace with Justice and Dignity begins worktables with federal government

Javier Sicilia y Francisco Blake @ La Jornada

Javier Sicilia and Francisco Blake @ La Jornada

In observation of the dialogue between the Movement for Peace with Justice and Dignity and the federal government, on 22 July there were initiated five worktables between both parties, in accordance with the agreements resolved on 23 June in the Chapultepec Castle.  While the first worktable will address coordination of work, the other four will be thematic: coverage of justice cases; system of attention to victims; wholesome revision of the national security strategy with emphasis on the strengthening of the social fabric; and impulse of mechanisms of participatory democracy and the democratization of the media.

As permanent guests in the worktables will be President Felipe Calderón and Javier Sicilia; in the Joint Commission on Ties will be Juan Marcos Gutiérrez González, sub-secretary of Governance in the Ministry for Governance, and Emilio Álvarez Icaza as representative of the Movement.  To the ceremony for the formal installation of said worktables in the National Museum of Anthropology in Mexico City attended Javier Sicilia, Julián Lebarón, Araceli Rodríguez, Emilio Álvarez Icaza, and representatives from each of the tables on the part of the Movement.  On the government side, Francisco Blake Mora, Secretary of Governance; Alfonso Lujambio Irazával, Secretary of Public Education, and Marisela Morales Ibañez, head of the Federal Attorney General’s Office.  According to journalistic sources, the worktables are to begin on Thursday 28 July.

In his comments at the formal inauguration of the worktables, Javier Sicilia had the following to say regarding the violence gripping the country: “We understand that the question is a complex one, regarding social and political order–even human or spiritual.  We do not believe that to point fingers or demand heads would be a serious solution.  We prefer to unite our energies in favor of fraternity and not for confrontation.  We will not renounce dialogue with anyone and we will seek it with all, because the cause of peace is born from the recognition of the humanity of the other, and to recognize her humanity implies listening to her words and being disposed to exchange ideas and agreements in the interests of all Mexicans.”

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