Guerrero – briefs: XVI Anniversary of the Communal Police; National Indigenous Congress postpones XXX Meeting of the Central Pacific Region


On 14 and 15 October was held the XVI anniversary of the Communal Police in Malinaltepec, Guerrero.  The event was made up of the meeting of several representatives from different communities and organizations, both indigeous and non-indigenous, and included a cultural event and a deployment of police representing the communities surrounding the site of the event.

Four work-tables were held at the event: 1. For the defense of our land and territory; 2. Communal radios and independent media; 3. Organization of women and their participation in different organizational processes; 4. Alternative models for education.  In these were shared organizational experiences, progress had, matters to be improved, and examples of struggle against capitalism and everything this system implies (racism, exploitation, patriarchy, looting, denigration).  Furthermore were shared proposals to unite forces in the struggle against oppression.

At worktable 1 was discussed above all the defense against transnational mining companies that are lying in wait to engage in further exploitation.  There was also discussion of experiences in struggle that go from the juridical plan to direct confrontations.  The social, environmental, and health consequences of open-pit mining were shared.

At the women’s worktable was discussed the bad experiences with authorities and the military that has victimized indigenous women above all, for example through rape, abuse, and the inefficacy of authorities to resolve these.  For this reason they have decided to organize themselves in struggle.  Furthermore, in the specific case of Guerrero, women have struggled so that they be taken in regard, above all in the political participation of the CRAC-PC, given that at the moment there is only one woman who is a coordinator of this institution.

At the education worktable was suggested the necessity of including new forms of education that would stress the importance of solidarity and respect for peoples and nature, beyond being popular and bilingual.

During the anniversary was also to be held the thirtieth Pacific Central meeting of the National Indigenous Congress (CNI), but during the inauguration ceremony arrived the state Secretary for Public Security, Ramón Almonte Borja.  For this reason, employing their rights to autonomy and self-determination, the CNI postponed the meeting “due to the presence and intervention of functionaries from the state government of Guerrero.”

For more information (in Spanish):

Rechaza el CNI la presencia del secretario Almonte Borja en aniversario de la CRAC (El Sur de Acapulco 16 October 2011)

Pronunciamiento. Congreso Nacional Indígena. Paraje Montero, municipio de Malinaltepec, Guerrero, México (17 October 2011)

Aniversario XVI de la CRAC-PC (17 October 2011)

Radio Jenpoj Tlahuitoltepec Mixe (Audio del Aniversario)

Marcando el paso, Policía Comunitaria de Guerrero (Periodistas de a pie)

Viva la policía comunitaria: XVI aniversario de la CRAC-PC  (19 October 2011)

El Congreso Nacional Indígena pospone la XXX Reunión de la Región Centro Pacífico (Enlace Zapatista 20 October 2011)

For more information from SIPAZ (in English):

Guerrero: Anniversary and expansion of the Communal police (17 October 2011)

Guerrero: “Indigenous peoples are subject to rights and are not electoral merchandise” (February 4, 2011)

Guerrero – briefs: Mining exploration continues in the Montaña region without permission from communities; reinstallation of the blockade against La Parota (January 13, 2011)

Guerrero: Mobilization of the Communal Police against mining (9 August)

Guerrero – briefs: Mining exploration continues in the Montaña region without permission from communities; reinstallation of the blockade against La Parota (January 13, 2011)

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