Guerrero: Leftist candidates take the majority of offices

Protest against the PRI in the zócalo of Acapulco. Photo @La Jornada

On 1 July, in the state of Guerrero, there were held elections for president of the Republic, mayorships, local deputies, senators, and federal deputies.  In the preliminary results, candidates from the left took nearly all offices for senators, federal deputies, mayorships, and local deputies.  The leftists won all offices of federal deputies (9), the two offices of senator, 21 of the 28 local districts, and 45 of 81 mayorships.  Only seven districts went to the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI), two of which were won jointly with the Green Ecological Party of Mexico (PVEM).  Among the remaining mayorships, 30 went to the PRI, 2 to the PVEM, and 4 to the National Action Party (PAN).

Ángel Aguirre Rivero, governor of Guerrero, said that the electoral incidents that occurred “could be considered as minor incidents.”  He also noted without being more specific that now there cannot be held marches to protest against irregularities, given that there exist the Electoral Tribunal for the Judicial Federal Power and the Electoral Tribunal of the State for these reasons.

In six of the seven electoral districts in Acapulco, the candidates for local deputies in the PRI coalition were crushed by the candidates of the Guerrero Unites Us coalition, comprised of the PRD, the Citizens’ Movement, and the Labor Party, with more than 40,000 votes in difference.  In a press-conference, 20 hours after the closing of the electoral booths, Fermín Alavarado Arroyo, mayoral candidate for Acapulco for the coalition Commitment to Guerrero, conceded his defeat.  He announced that complaints will be filed, given that the process was plagued by irregularities before and during the voting period.  In Chilpancingo, the mayorship will remain in the hands of the PRI, with Mario Moreno Arcos, who according to the PREP has 44,060 votes, with 99.28% booths reporting.

According to César Ramos Castro, president of the Electoral Institute of the State of Guerrero (IEEG), voters’ participation reached 57.40% during this election cycle.

For more information (in Spanish):

Arrasa la izquierda en casi todos cargos en Guerrero, según resultados preliminares (La Jornada de Guerrero, 3 de julio)

Derrota del PRI en Acapulco, por el efecto AMLO: Fermín Alvarado (La Jornada de Guerrero, 3 de julio)

Llama Aguirre a partidos a “no alterar el orden”; ya no se justifican las marchas, dice (El Sur de Acapulco, 3 de julio)

Entre lágrimas y porras, acepta Fermín su derrota en la contienda por la alcaldía  (El Sur de Acapulco, 3 de julio)

Pierde el PRI seis de siete  distritos locales  en Acapulco ante la alianza PRD-MC-PT (El Sur de Acapulco, 3 de julio)

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