Oaxaca: Justice Demanded for Narciso Lopez Vasquez, Indigenous Leader in Ixtayutla


The Commissariat for Communal Assets of Santiago Ixtayutla, has condemned and demanded justice for the indigenous leader Narciso Lopez Vasquez, who was assassinated in an ambush on October 28th.

The events occurred in the Chukua’a area around 9:00 in the morning when the indigenous leader from Ixtayutla was shot dead on the local road to Xiniyuva in this indigenous Tacuate municipality, on the coast of Oaxaca.

Narciso Lopez Vasquez, 69 years old, was a member of the Commissariat of Communal Assets of the municipality of Santiago Ixtayutla and currently serves as alternate secretary. They reported that he was traveling from the Xiniyuva agency, where he was from, to the municipal seat of Santiago Ixtayutla to buy medicine as his wife was ill, and on his return he was ambushed.

“We demand immediate justice and jail for those found guilty of such an inhumane act”, declared Community Commissioner Santiago Ixtayutla and the Vigilance Council. In the statement, they expressed that the struggle will continue “today more than ever with more vitality in the face of the depotism that today reigns in our social reality.” “We will never forget that as an official he proved to be a humble, exemplary, respectful and a responsible person with the position conferred by the general assembly of Comuneros”, they highlighted.

It is worth mentioning that the population of this coastal municipality, governed by MORENA, is experiencing a huge internal conflict, of which the state authorities and the Human Rights Ombudsman of the People of Oaxaca (DDHPO) have been aware for months. Furthermore, “since the beginning of the government of Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador to date, at least 24 defenders of human rights, the territory and the environment have been murdered in the state of Oaxaca”, according to a newspaper report in El Universal.

For more information in Spanish:

Exigen justicia para Narciso López Vásquez, líder indígena asesinado en Ixtayutla, Oaxaca (EDUCA, 3 de noviembre de 2021)

Pobladores demandan justicia por el asesinato del líder indígena Narciso López en Oaxaca (Proceso, 4 de noviembre de 2021)

Exigen justicia para Narciso López, líder comunitario asesinado en Ixtayutla, en la Costa de Oaxaca (El Universal, 31 de octubre de 2021)

For more information from SIPAZ:

Oaxaca: Sin avances la investigación de los defensores asesinados en Paso de la Reyna: OSCs (October 29, 2021)

Oaxaca: Atentan contra José Castillo Castro, defensor del territorio chontal (September 14, 2021)

Oaxaca: comunidades de los pueblos chatinos y mixtecos rechazan nuevo proyecto hidroeléctrico por construirse sobre el Río Verde (August 16, 2019)

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