Chiapas: Communiqué by the Oventic JBG regarding the aggressions and death-threats on the part of persons affiliated with political parties against Zapatistas in San Marcos Avilés

Oventic JBG (@SIPAZ)

In a 2 July communiqué, the Good Government Council (JBG) “Central heart of the Zapatistas before the world” from the Oventic caracol denounced the situation of Zapatista support-bases in San Marcos de Avilés, where, it suggests, the death-threats and aggressions directed these on the aprt of groups linked to political parties has increased, as has the looting of lands and the violation of rights.  The JBG emphasizes that it is not a new situation, and it reviews the events in the community since 2010.  Presently, it fears that there be an armed aggression, given that the aggressors have been gathering rifles and pistols, many of them supplied by Ernesto López Núñez, ex-police officer from the neighboring municipality of Chilón.

For more information (in Spanish):

Comunicado de la Junta de Buen Gobierno de Oventic (Enlace zapatista, 2 July 2011)

Reportan hostigamiento creciente contra bases de apoyo zapatistas(La Jornada, 3 July 2011)

For more information from SIPAZ (in English):

Chiapas: death-threats to Zapatista support-bases in San Marcos Avilés (5 July 2011)

Chiapas: Return of displaced Zapatista support-bases to San Marcos Avilés (18 October 2010)

Chiapas: Denunciation of the Oventic JBG regarding violent expulsion of Zapatista support-bases in San Marcos y Pamala (14 September 2010)

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