Chiapas: The La Garrucha JBG denounces “intensification of counter-insurgency campaign”

Región Las Cañadas, zona correspondiente al Caracol III de La Garrucha @ SIPAZ

Región Las Cañadas, zone that corresponds to Caracol III of La Garrucha @ SIPAZ

On 7 July, the “El Camino del Futuro” Good-Government Council (JBG), with headquarters in the Caracol “Resisting until a new Dawn” of La Garrucha, made public a denunciation that considers three cases in the zone that corresponds to this Caracol.  They defined the cases as part of an intesiifcation of the counter-insurgency campaign carried out by the federal, state, and municipal governments that seeks to manipulate persons of other indigenous and campesino organizations so that “AMONG US CAMPESINOS WE CONFRONT EACH OTHER AND KILL EACH OTHER.”

According to the Zapatista authorities, in the community of Nuevo Paraíso, from the autonomous municipality Francisco Villa (official municipality of Ocosingo), members of the Regional Organization of Coffee-growers of Ocosingo (ORCAO) from the ejido Guadalupe Victoria have occupied “THE LAND THAT WAS RECOVERED WHICH PERTAINS TO THE [NUEVO] PARAISO ON 3 MARCH 2011 IN THE SAME PLACE […] ANOTHER GROUP OF PERSONS FROM LAS CONCHITAS IN THE MUNICIPALITY OF OCOSINGO IS GROWING A MILPA AND ANOTHER GROUP OF PEOPLE FROM THE POJCOL EJIDO FROM THE CHILON MUNICIPALITY.”  Furthermore, according to the JBG’s denunciation, the members of ORCAO have robbed these Zapatista support-bases (BAEZLN), destroyed coffee-plants, and took a cow worth 5000 pesos from the months of March to June of this year.

Linked to the archaeological zone of Toniná, the JBG denounced the federal, state, and municipal governments for manipulating “SEÑORA MARIA SOCORRO ESPINOZA TRUJILLO, AND HER DAUGHTERS BERENICE CRUZ ESPINOZA AND DALIA MARIBEL CRUZ ESPINOZA ASSESSED BY THE BAD GOVERNMENT” so that they sell the land recovered by the EZLN.

Finally, the JBG referred in its denunciation to the community of Nuevo Rosario, where members of ORCAO and unaffiliated party-persons have cut down trees to sell in Ocosingo, against the wishes of the BAEZLN of the community, beyond having taken from the BAEZLN milpa, causing destruction.

For more information (in Spanish):

Denuncia completa de la JBG “El Camino del Futuro” (9 July 2011)

La Jornada: Denuncian bases zapatistas despojo de tierras y agresiones cometidos por Orcao (10 July 2011)

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