Guerrero: Urgent Action for disappeared ecologists; the CFE returns to the area of La Parota

@ Milenio

 Photo @ Milenio

The Observatory for the Protection of Human-Rights Defenders, a program associated with the World Organization against Torture (OMCT) and the International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH), has requested the urgent intervention of the international community in light of the lack of progress that has been had in the official investigation regarding hte forced disappearance of the human-rights defenders Marcial Bautista Valle, presdient of OCESP, and Eva Alarcón Ortiz, coordinator of the same organization.  More than a month after their disappearance, the international organization has expressed its grave “concern for the security and physical and psychological integrity of Eva Alarcón Ortiz and Marcial Bautista Valle, fearing that their disappearance is clearly linked to their work as human-rights defenders.  We fear also that this act has as its end the discouragement of other rights-defenders in the state of Guerrero in their work.”

In other news, Marco Antonio Suástegui Muñoz, spokesperson for the Council of Ejidos and Communities Opposed to La Parota (CECOP), has denounced that the Federal Electricity Commission (CFE) has initiated work to measure space related to the the La Parota project in the zone of the communal lands of Cacahuatepec.  “It would seem that they are measuring a line, a breach, through which a high-electricity line would pass from the area in which the dam would be located,” noted Suástegui Muñoz.  He said that there exists fear among the opponents to the project because the federal government has earmarked 750 million pesos for the hydroelectric dam in its 2012 budget.  For this reason CECOP will organize to prevent the work from being undertaken.

For more information (in Spanish):

Observatorio para la protección de defensores emite llamado urgente ante nulos avances de autoridades para encontrar a Eva y Marcial (CENCOS, 17 January 2012)

ONG exigen acelerar la búsqueda de los activistas Eva Alarcón y Marcial Bautista (La Jornada, 18 January 2012)

Observatorio Internacional para la protección de DDHH, hace llamado urgente a autoridades mexicanas por desaparición forzada de ecologistas Marcial Bautista y Eva Alarcón (CDH Tlachinollan, 17 January 2012)

120117 Accion Urgente_Eva_Marcial_ El Observatorio_OMCT_FIDH(OMCT, Acción Urgente, 17 January 2012) (pdf)

Acción Urgente Internacional: Eva y Marcial continúan desaparecidos (Centro ProDH, 18 January 2012)

Vuelve la CFE al área de La Parota, denuncia CECOP; comunidades detuvieron a un grupo de obreros (Educa, 12 January 2012)

Vuelve la CFE a Cacahuatepec a pesar de la orden del Tribunal (La Jornada Guerrero, 11 January 2012)

For more information from SIPAZ (in English):

Guerrero briefs: Two ecologist are kidnapped by armed men in the Sierra de Petatlán (14 December 2011)

Guerrero: CFE contemplates acceleration of La Parota project (27 November 2011)

Guerrero – briefs: CECOP celebrates its 8th anniversary (18 August 2011)

Guerrero – briefs: Mining exploration continues in the Montaña region without permission from communities; reinstallation of the blockade against La Parota January 13, 2011

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