Guerrero: Governor Aguirre Rivero will not support construction of La Parota

On 16 August 2012 in the city of Acapulco, there was held the official signing of the Cacahuatepec Accords between members of the Council of Communities Opposed to the La Parota Dam (CECOP) and governor Ángel Aguirre Rivero.  This agreement stipulates that the government will not support or promote the construction of the hydroelectric dam “La Parota,” which the Federal Electricity Commission (CFE) has desired to construct.  This document signals that the government would have to tell President Felipe Calderón Hinojosa of the decision of the campesinos and owners of the land, who reject the sale of territory for the construction of the dam.  By signing the document, the governor also commits himself not to use public force against CECOP, instead choosing peace, justice, and respect for the right of campesinos.  The act of signing the Accords was witnessed by archbishop Carlos Garfias Merlos, who acted as a mediator between CECOP and the Aguirre administration.  Marco Antonio Suástegui, spokesperson for CECOP, said that this represents a historical event, given that after 10 years of struggle, no governor had agreed to sign on to such an agreement.

For more information (in Spanish):

Cancelan proyecto hidroeléctrico ‘La Parota’ (W Radio, 17 de agosto de 2012)

Firma Aguirre Acuerdos de Cacahuatepec con los opositores a la presa La Parota (El Sur Acapulco, 17 de agosto de 2012)

Cancelan proyecto hidrológico La Parota en Acapulco (Milenio, 16 de agosto)

Acuerdan apoyo contra La Parota (El Universal, 17 de agosto)

For more information from SIPAZ (in English):

Guerrero: Federal tribunal confirms end to La Parota dam project (20 July 2012)

Guerrero: CECOP will initiate a series of mobilizations demanding the definitive cancellation of the La Parota dam (3 April 2012)

Guerrero: denunciations and declarations of the CRAC and CECOP (12 March 2012)

Guerrero briefs: Two ecologist are kidnapped by armed men in the Sierra de Petatlán (14 December 2011)

Guerrero: CFE contemplates acceleration of La Parota project (27 November 2011)

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