Guerrero: Tlachinollan Responds to CDI Accusations of Misappropriation of Funds


In a press release published on June 12th, the Tlachinollan Mountain Human Rights Center denied the claims of the head of the National Commission for the Development of Indigenous Peoples (CDI in its Spanish acronym), Lenin Carbajal Cabrera, in the sense that the organization would be implicated in misappropriation of public resources destined to indigenous communities of Guerrero Mountain, after the effects of the hurricanes Ingrid and Manuel in 2013.

Carbajal Cabrera publicly stated that there are no longer funds to support the 16,000 indigenous people affected and that the census that Tlachinollan manages includes officials and people who would not need social assistance.

Tlachinollan, which has accompanied the Council of Affected Communities of the Mountain, denied these allegations and stated that, “the Mexican authorities use slander and defamation against defenders who are uncomfortable for [for those in] power, because they highlight the omissions of the State and defend the human rights of those who have least. ” The Council of Communities for its part denounced that “it is inadmissible that an official who is said to represent the indigenous peoples centers his attack against the same communities that have been defrauded by public officials and construction companies, that after more than four years have not completed the works programmed to become accomplices of this millionaire heist. Now it turns out that they want to audit the poor families of the Mountain and we made to look like fraudsters that handle false data and that we are getting profits of millions from a program of staple grains, whose resources are managed and operated by the same CDI. “

 For more information in Spanish:

Acusa la CDI a Abel Barrera de desviar recursos del Programa Alimentario en la Montaña (Transfondo Informativo, 12 de junio de 2017)

COMUNICADO | ¿Quiénes defraudan y traicionan al pueblo? (Consejo de Comunidades de la Montaña, 13 de junio de 2017)

No desviamos fondos federales de afectados por tormentas: Tlachinollan (Contralínea, 14 de junio de 2017)

 For more information from SIPAZ:

Guerrero: movilización masiva para garantizar los derechos básicos en la Montaña (7 de febrero de 2017)

Guerrero: Se logra acuerdo para implementación de un programa de abastecimiento de granos básicos para los damnificados de la Montaña (22 de febrero 2014)
Guerrero: Damnificados de la Montaña realizan “Peregrinación del Hambre” por falta de apoyo gubernamental (5 de febrero de 2014)
Guerrero: Damnificados de las tormentas migran para poder subsistir (22 de octubre de 2013)

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