Guerrero: False Accusations of Kidnapping against Community Police


The Tlachinollan Mountain Human Rights Center denounced another false accusation of kidnapping against community officers of the Regional Coordinator of Community Authorities – Community Police (CRAC – PC in its Spanish acronym). In a bulletin they explained that in the course of a confrontation on November 7th in the Criminal Court of First Instance in Tlapa, Guerrero, three alleged kidnap victims from the community of Santa Cruz, municipality of Huamuxtitlan and one from Tlatlauquitepec, admitted to have not been kidnapped and or deprived of their freedom by community police.

“This is another element that demonstrates the innocence of the community police and that should lead to their complete freedom, because they did not commit any crime, and in any case they only applied and adhered to their normative systems”, said Rogelio Teliz, lawyer of the the Tlachinollan Mountain Human Rights Center, at the end of the confrontation.

Tlachinollan accused the Guerrero state justice system of criminalizing “the community justice system, falsely accusing them of kidnapping when what they exercise what is their right to self-determination and to build their own systems of security and justice under their uses and customs.”

It should be remembered that during its XXII anniversary in October, the CRAC – PC, had already denounced the criminalization and denial of their rights and of Law 701 of Recognition, Rights and Culture of the Indigenous Peoples and Communities of the State of Guerrero.

For more information in Spanish:

Presuntos agraviados, advierten en careo, no reconocer a policías comunitarios acusados falsamente de secuestro(Centro de derechos humanos de la montaña Tlachinollan, 9 de noviembre de 2017)

Advierteron que quienes de desempeñanan entonces como policia comunitario, no son quienes los secuetraron (Bajo palabra , 9 de noviembre de 2017)

Protestan en Cereso para exigir libertad de dirigente de la policía comunitaria de Tixtla (La Jornada en línea, 6 de noviembre de 2017)

Crac-Pc, 22 años (La Jornada Guerrero, 27 de octubre de 2017)

For more information from SIPAZ:

Guerrero: se celebra el XXII Aniversario de la Coordinadora Regional de Autoridades Comunitarias-Policía Comunitaria (CRAC-PC) ( 18 de octubre de 2017)

Guerrero : Testigos de cargo del caso de Arturo Campos Herrera reconocen que no cometió el delito de secuestro por lo cual se encuentra preso (9 de diciembre de 2016)
Guerrero : exigen liberación de Arturo Campos Herrera, integrante de la CRAC PC ( 03 de diciembre de 2016)
Guerrero : marchan en Chilpancingo por la libertad de los presos de la Policía Comunitaria (14 de octubre de 2016)

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