Chiapas: Impunity Denounced One Year after the Murder of Defender Sinar Corzo


On January 3rd, one year after the murder of the human rights defender Sinar Corzo Esquinca in Arriaga (Costa de Chiapas), friends and family demonstrated in this city to demand justice, denouncing that although there are several detainees as material and intellectual perpetrators, nobody has been sentenced to date.

They recalled that currently four people are linked to the case of the events: Apolinar “N”, father-in-law of the then mayor David Parada, who resigned from his post and is a fugitive from justice, as well as Fernando “N”, Julio ” N “and Artemio” N “, employees of Apolinar.

According to the relatives, the trial continues and there is a risk that they will obtain their freedom since “according to data from the Zero Impunity organization, in Chiapas 99% of killings remain without punishment,” they stressed.

“We continue to demand detention, prosecution, trial and sentencing for all persons involved in the crime. We cannot afford to also be victims of impunity statistics,” they said.

They acknowledged, however, that “the State Attorney General’s Office, to our knowledge, has conducted an exhaustive investigation, although they are still outstanding issues, but we trust that in the coming days and months they will be settled.”

They urged the judiciary of the state “to do its job and show that it changed, that in Chiapas there is no more impunity, that in Chiapas the three powers contribute and work to build a true rule of law.”

Luis Arbey Perez, member of the The Colossus of Stone Citizen Committee for the Defense of Human Rights, a center to which Sinar Corzo belonged, denounced not only the lack of justice, but also the increase in attacks and defamations against said Center, its members, as well as family members of the defender.

For more information in Spanish:

A un año del crimen de Sinar Corzo, familiares y amigos salen a las calles para exigir justicia (Proceso, 3 de enero de 2020)

Marchan en Chiapas a un año del asesinato del activista Sinar Corzo (La Jornada, 3 de enero de 2020)

A un año del homicidio de activista, eigen justicia (El Universal, 4 de enero de 2020)

Exigen justicia para Sinar Corzo; un año de completa impunidad alegan activistas (Chiapas Paralelo, 5 de enero de 2020)

For more information from SIPAZ:

Chiapas : Orden de aprehensión contra ex alcalde de Arriaga por posible autoría intelectual de homicidio del defensor Sinar Corzo (8 de febrero de 2019)

Chiapas: Detienen a tres presuntos responsables del asesinato del defensor Sinar Corzo Esquinca, incluyendo suegro del alcalde de Arriaga (18 de enero de 2019)

Chiapas: Movilizaciones para exigir justicia en el caso del asesinato defensor de derechos humanos Sinar Corzo. Todas las líneas de investigación siguen abiertas afirma fiscal.

(15 de enero de 2019)

Chiapas: Asesinan al defensor de derechos humanos Sinar Corzo Esquinca (4 de enero de 2019)

Chiapas: denuncian criminalización de defensores medioambientales en San Cristóbal de Las Casas (28 de diciembre de 2018)

Nacional : 161 defensores y 40 periodistas asesinados en el sexenio que termina, Red TdT (30 de noviembre de 2018).

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