National: EZLN Calls for Participation in Referendum for Truth and Justice for Victims

@Animal Politico

The Zapatista Army of National Liberation (EZLN) called for participation in the referendum on August 1st to enable the creation of a commission for truth and justice for the victims.

In its statement, the EZLN indicated that it will support the “yes” to the question of whether to undertake a process of clarification of the political decisions made in recent years by political players, aimed at guaranteeing justice and the rights of possible victims.

Likewise, the Zapatistas have denounced that the opposition and broad sectors of the right have lobbied against the consultation because they are responsible for the crimes that occurred. “They are terrified that the victims will recover their demands from the base and perverse use that the extreme right makes of their pain.”

The National Electoral Institute (INE) determined that the result of the consultation will be binding only when the total participation corresponds to at least 40% of the electorate of the corresponding federal entity.

As a result of the consultation, a Commission for Truth and Justice could be created for the victims of crimes against humanity committed by former presidents, governors, mayors, and other officials.

For more information in Spanish:

Zapatistas llaman a participar en consulta popular para hacer justicia a víctimas de crímenes de Estado (EDUCA, 23 de julio de 2021)

Una convocatoria zapatista por la justicia (La Jornada, 20 de julio de 2021)

EZLN llama a participar en consulta popular para beneficiar a víctimas (Animal Político, 16 de julio de 2021)

For more information from SIPAZ:

National: Chamber of Deputies Approves Ruling on Revocation of Mandate and Consultations(March 21, 2019)

International/National/Oaxaca: Fox, Calderon and over 100 Former Officials to be Denounced before International Criminal Court for Crimes against Humanity (April 24, 2018)

National: Faced with Rejection of National Guard, AMLO Proposes New Consultation (December 12, 2018)

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