Guerrero: Second Anniversary of Disappearance and Murder of Defender Arnulfo Ceron


On October 11th, relatives and compañeros from La Montaña Popular Front marched in Tlapa de Comonfort to demand justice in the case of the disappearance and subsequent murder of activist Arnulfo Ceron Soriano, two years after the events.

Members of the Popular Front declared that “in the second year of the cunning murder of the defender Arnulfo Ceron Soriano, a member of this organization, we are not going to tire of remembering him every year as a human rights defender. The most important thing is that the facts have not been clarified, there is a lot of uncertainty and the detained have not been sentenced. That is why today we take to the streets of Tlapa to demand justice and truth. That this case does not go unpunished, that the investigations continue, that those responsible are arrested and all those involved in the crime are punished. (…) The authorities have to apply the full weight of the law to crime because it is not possible for these crimes to go unnoticed and violence to continue to be normalized, as if organized crime had the right to life in its hands, in complicity with the municipal, state and federal governments.”

During the rally, the director of La Montaña Tlachinollan Human Rights Center, Abel Barrera Hernandez, called for “compliance with the presidential instruction of Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, that there will be no impunity or protection for those who have committed these serious crimes such as the disappearance and murder of the community defender Arnulfo Ceron.” He affirmed that a few days after his inauguration, he hopes that “Governor Evelyn Salgado will echo these claims, because if something has happened in Guerrero, it is that the peoples have fought to transform these obsolete and cacique structures, if the state owes something it is to the social fighters who have been massacred, disappeared and assassinated.”

However, he denounced that “governments continue to do business with politics, with public resources, with public offices; deaf ears are still among politicians (…). Arnulfo put his finger on the wound with his emblematic fight against corruption in the Tlapa city council, he revealed all the tricks that were being promoted and unmasked the factional interests that exist within the municipalities. (…) We demand justice and we will not give up, we will be next to his mother, next to his wife, next to his sons and daughters and we will also embrace this fight so that there is justice in Guerrero.”

For more information in Spanish:

Con mitin en Tlapa, claman justicia para el activista Arnulfo Cerón, asesinado en 2019 (La Jornada, 12 de octubre de 2021)

Marchan en Tlapa a dos años de la desaparición y asesinato de Arnulfo Cerón(El Sur de Acapulco, 12 de octubre de 2021)

Exigen esclarecer asesinato del dirigente Arnulfo Cerón (El Sol de Acapulco, 12 de octubre de 2021)

Arnulfo Cerón: nunca imaginaron que era semilla (CDH Tlachinollan, 11 de octubre de 2021)

For more information from SIPAZ:

Guerrero: First Anniversary of Disappearance and Murder of Defender Arnulfo Ceron (October 14, 2020)

Guerrero: Family of Arnulfo Ceron Submit over 110 000 Signatures to Demand Justice (August 16, 2020)

Guerrero: Detienen al jefe de gabinete de Tlapa por su presunto involucramiento en la desaparición y el asesinato del activista Arnulfo Cerón (December 20, 2019)

Guerrero: Body of Activist Arnulfo Cero Found in Hidden Grave More than One Month after his Disappearance in Tlapa de Comonfort  (November 24, 2019)

Guerrero: One Month Since Disappearance of Human Rights Defender Arnulfo Ceron Soriano(November 19, 2019)

Guerrero: Disappearance of Activist in Tlapa de Comonfort Reported. Member of Regional Council of Agrarian Authorities in Malinaltepec (October 17, 2019)

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