National: March 8th, Thousands of Women March throughout Mexico To Demand End to Gender Violence. Not One More! 


Within the framework of International Women’s Day and in a context of violence, inequality and impunity against them; women and protesters in different cities of the republic, gathered to take to the streets to demand an end to the violence and justice for the thousands of disappeared and murdered women whose cases remain unsolved.

According to official figures, in 2021 alone, 1,004 femicides were registered, which added to the 2,747 female victims of intentional homicide, give a total of 3,751 female victims of murder in that year, which means that more than ten women are murdered daily in Mexico.

In addition to the alarming number of femicides, women in the country face other types of structural and systematic violence such as disappearances, inequality in the workplace, sexual harassment and violence, physical and psychological aggression, re-victimization, threats, intimidation and impunity when they decide to report, among others.

It is due to this reality that every March 8th, more and more women and relatives of victims come together to march and cry for justice. This year, after the marches were suspended in 2021 due to measures against COVID-19, the call was massive and the slogans that were heard throughout the country were the same, not one more, not one more, not one more! Not one more killed! The police don’t take care of me, my friends take care of me! Men, women, don’t be indifferent, women are killed in people’s faces! A femicidal town is not magical! Alive they took them away, alive we want them! Justice, justice, justice!

In Chiapas, this 2022 for the first time, women belonging to Las Abejas de Acteal Civil Society and believers from the Parish of San Pedro Apostol de Chenalho, joined the commemoration and marched in the streets of this municipality. Likewise, they shared a statement for a world free of violence against women.

“This day, in other countries, thousands of sisters and compañeras gather to shout for justice without fear!”

“We unite our Solidarity to all women victims of armed violence, war, organized crime, armed groups, robbery and vices such as alcoholism and drug addiction, which we also suffer in our communities, due to lack of political will, responsibility and laziness of the authorities”. “We will never stop remembering the massacre that occurred in Acteal (1997), where 34 of our sisters, grandmothers, aunts, daughters and baby girls died in the womb of their mothers.”

In the end, it was an intense day in Mexico that ended without serious incidents despite the fact that authorities had predicted that it would be one of the most violent marches in recent years.

For more information in Spanish

Las mexicanas gritan un masivo “basta ya” (El País 08 de marzo de 2022)

«Marea violeta» toma las calles de México: mujeres exigen alto a la violencia de género y feminicida (Proceso 08 de marzo de 2022)

Como nunca en la historia, mujeres indígenas de Acteal marchan este 8M (El Heraldo de Chiapas 08 de marzo de 2022)

Comunicado Organización Sociedad Civil Las Abejas de Acteal ( 08 de marzo de 2022)

For more information from SIPAZ:

National: March 8th – Thousands of Women Protest in Capital and States (March 10, 2021)

National: Historic Women’s Day In Mexico (March 11, 2020)

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