Chiapas: Migrants Die in Shipwreck on Mexican Pacific Coast

@Chiapas Paralelo

On November 18th, a boat carrying around 30 migrants capsized off Puerto Arista in the state of Chiapas. The organization 1800 Migrants, which provides accompaniment and legal advice to migrants, has reported that nine Cubans and 21 Ecuadorians were traveling on the boat, of which seven are missing and one under the age of nine deceased.

“From my family, my wife, a son and two brothers along with other Ecuadorians were saved because they were able to grab hold of a floating gallon of gasoline, but one daughter drowned and another is missing”, said Luis Llvis, father of the minor.

William Murillo, spokesperson for and those who have sounded the regional alarm about this new tragedy, called on the Chiapas State Attorney General’s Office to initiate the corresponding processes and find out about the fate of the disappeared Ecuadorians in this shipwreck that occurred in Mexican territory, while once again urging Ecuadorian families to avoid irregular trips, since, as has been reported in the last two weeks, they could end in tragedies.

For more information in Spanish:

Reportan naufragio de lancha con más de 25 migrantes, el saldo hasta ahora, ocho desaparecidos y una niña fallecida (Chiapas Paralelo, 21 de noviembre 2022)

Una niña fallecida y 8 desaparecidos en Naufragio en las costas de Chiapas México, todos ecuatorianos (Facebook, 19 de noviemre 2022)

Naufragó una lancha en el Pacífico mexicano: una niña ecuatoriana muerta y siete desaparecidos (Infobae, 21 de Noviembre de 2022)

ONG denuncia que una niña ecuatoriana murió en naufragio en México
(Primicias, 19 de noviembre 2022)

For more information from SIPAZ:

Chiapas: Three Migrants Dead and Seven Injured on Tuxtla Bypass (October 28, 2022)
Chiapas: Revictimiztion of Migrants in Accident; Mexican State Denies Dignified Treatment of Victims: COMDHSEM (December 21, 2021)
Chiapas/National/International: Investigations into Deaths of Migrants in Accident Begin (December 14, 2021)

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