Guerrero: Relatives of Arnulfo Ceron Launch Campaign To Demand Justice Following Postponement of Initial Hearings


Activist and defender Arnulfo Ceron Soriano disappeared on October 11th, 2019 and his body was found on November 20th in Tlapa de Comonfort, Guerrero. For this crime, six people identified as material authors and one person as intellectual author were arrested. However, the initial trial hearings were postponed.

Last year the control judge,, in a hearing modified the precautionary measure of preventive detention as a result of an injunction, arguing that the intellectual author was in a very delicate state of health. “However, it was a maneuver to get out of jail and enter the election campaign”, warns La Montaña Tlachinollan Human Rights Center.

Vidulfo Rosales Sierra, Tlachinollan’s lawyer, mentioned that the first two oral trial hearings that were scheduled for this June 26th were postponed and for next Monday, July 3rd.

Ceron Soriano was arrested and tortured by elements of the ministerial police and accused of a homicide that he did not commit. Ceron was a member of the Popular Front of La Montaña and the Movement for the Freedom of Political Prisoners of the State of Guerrero (MOLPEG). It is worth mentioning that Ceron also accompanied the families of the 43 disappeared students from Ayotzinapa, and supported street vendors from the city of Tlapa, who experienced abuse from the authorities.

This crime “cannot go unpunished”, warns the UNHCHR in a tweet. Meanwhile, last Monday relatives of the activist launched a campaign on the platform to demand justice and an investigation in the case. The petition already has more than 125,000 signatures. Trials are expected to be conducted fairly and with no motivation other than justice.

For more information in Spanish:

Posponen inicio de juicio en caso de la desaparición y asesinato del defensor Arnulfo Cerón (Petición) (EDUCA, 28 de junio de 2023)

Arrancan los juicios contra responsables de la desaparición y asesinato de Arnulfo Cerón (Tlachinollan, 28 de junio de 2023)

Lanzan campana en para que no quede impune el asesinato de Arnulfo Cerón (28 de junio de 2023)

For more information from SIPAZ:

Guerrero: Three Years without Justice for Arnulfo Ceron (October 16, 2022)

Guerrero: Second Anniversary of Disappearance and Murder of Defender Arnulfo Ceron(October 16, 2021)

Guerrero: First Anniversary of Disappearance and Murder of Defender Arnulfo Ceron (October 14, 2020)

Guerrero: Family of Arnulfo Ceron Submit over 110 000 Signatures to Demand Justice (August 16, 2020)

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