Chiapas: Campesinos from Nuevo Juan de Grijalva are released

Nuevo Juan de Grijalva (

Following 3 months of detention, the eight campesinos from the so-called first Sustainable Rural City in the world (ejido Nuevo Juan de Grijalva, municipality of Ostuacán) were released together with their defense attorney.  They had been detained in the Pichucalco jail after having participated in a protest organized to demand that the government pay reparations and other promises to which it had committed following the disaster which occurred in 2007 due to problems with the Grijalva river.

In previous days several critical notes had been released in various media on the situation of these prisoners and the rest affected by the river.

For more information (in Spanish):

Liberan a 8 campesinos y su abogado defensor en Pichucalco (Milenio, 23 June 2011)

La situación actual de los damnificados por el taponamiento del río Grijalva (Boletín de prensa de la Limeddh, 20 June 2011)

Perseguidos de la Ciudad Rural Juan del Grijalva (Punto de Partida, vídeo)

Las casas inhabitables por las que investigan al ex gobernador de Chiapas (CNN México, 23 June 2011)

For more information from SIPAZ (in English):

Chiapas: Nuevo Juan de Grijalva denounces repression and harassment (8 June 2011)

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