Chiapas: teacher Adela Gómez regains her freedom


Adela Gómez at a press-conference on 24 October.  Photo @SIPAZ

On 18 October 2013, the teacher Adela Gómez Martínez, activist and leader of the National Organization for Popular Power (ONPP), was released when the case against her was dropped.  Adela Gómez had spent 64 days arrested without having committed any crime; while incarcerated in the Amate prison in Cintalapa, she suffered grave health consequences.  She had been accused of rioting and extortion for having participated in a protest with her husband Noé Hernández Caballero, who remains imprisoned, accused of the same crimes as his wife.  Adela Gómez and Noé Hernández assured that their arrest had to do with their refusal to accept an agreement with the Chiapas state-government which had intended to suspend all mobilizations and social protests.

In a 23 October communique, the ONPP demanded the immediate release of Noé Hernández: “We call on state governor C. Manuel Velásco Coello to directly attend to our demand for the immediate and unconditional release of professor Noé Hernández Caballero.”  The Fray Bartolome de Las Casas Center for Human Rights (CDHFBC) released a press-bulletin on 24 October similarly demanding the release of Hernández.

For more information (in Spanish):

Liberación inmediata e incondicional del profesor Noé Hernández Caballero (Boletín de prensa ONPP, 23 de octubre de 2013)

Castigan a activista por ejercer derecho a la protesta (Boletín de prensa, CDHFBC, 24 de octubre de 2013)

Después de 64 días de injusta detención, la maestra Adela Gómez obtiene su libertad (Boletín de prensa, CDHFBC, 19 de octubre de 2013)

Adela Gómez alcanza su libertad (Chiapas Paralelo, 19 de octubre de 2013)

Después de 64 días de injusta detención, la maestra Adela Gómez obtiene su libertad (Radio AMLO, 21 de octubre de 2013)

For more information from SIPAZ (in English):

Chiapas: AI concerned for security and health of imprisoned activist Adela Gómez (25 October 2013)

Chiapas: State police arbitrarily arrest ONPP members (16 September 2013)

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