Chiapas: 20 days into hunger strike and 11 days into sit-in of relatives, two prisoners are released

Plantón de familiares @ SIPAZ

On the evening of Friday 14 October, Manuel Heredia Jiménez and Juan Jiménez Pérez, residents of Mitzitón, were released after having been held for 9 years and 4 months, 16 days after initiating a hunger strike and fasting with other prisoners.

The ejidal authorities of the community of Mitzitón, municipality of San Cristóbal de Las Casas, made public a letter sent to the governor of Chiapas expressing their gratitude for his intervention through the Reconciliation Table.  It is hoped that said Table take into account the remaining cases of prisoners who continue on hunger strike and fasting.

Referring to these others, the ejidatarios of Mitzitón declare that “We are struggling for the freedom of all those who are inside the prisons as well as those outside.  Do not think, bad government, that we will give up.  On the contrary, we will continue to struggle even more until we also see our comrade Artemio Días Heredia and all the adherents [to the Other Campaign] who continue to fast and be on hunger strike.  They are not alone.”

The only prisoner who is fasting, Rosa López Díaz, noted that “Today [16 October] I have spent 18 days fasting for 12 hours during the day.  The days have gone by full of threats that they will remove my son from me.  There is also the constant harassment on the part of the women’s governmental prosecutorial office where they take photos of me every so often, and even when I find myself in my cell there comes a psychologist named Tomas Trejo Lievano who comes to bother me.  They take pictures of me so that I will give up my fast.”

For more information (in Spanish):

Liberados 2 de los compañeros presos en el cereso 5 de San Cristobal. 15.10.2011, CGT Chiapas, 15 October 2011

Liberados dos compañeros de Mitzitón presos en el cereso 5, Enlace Zapatista, 17 October 2011

Comunicado de las autoridades de Mitzitón, Expreso de Chiapas, 18 October 2011

Denuncia de la Voz del Amate y Solidarios del 14 de octubre

Denuncian su injusto encarcelamiento los pres@s polític@s de Chiapas y exigen su liberación. Actualizado 17 de octubre, Enlace Zapatista, 13 October 2011

Cartas de la compañera Rosa Lòpez Dìaz a 18 dias que inició su ayuno en el penal No 5 de San Cristobal de Las Casas, Chiapas, Radio Pozol, 17 October 2011

Denuncia del Preso Solidario de la Voz del Amate Juan Collazo Jiménez, Noestamostodxs, 17 October 2011

Torturan y encarcelan a pareja tzotzil por un secuestro que no se cometió, La Jornada, 14 October 2011

Indígena preso realiza ayuno diario de 12 horas en Chiapas, La Jornada, 18 October 2011


Liberación de los 2 de Mitz, una estrategia + del gobierno para desgastar acción de hh, Centro de Medios Independientes, 18 October 2011

For more information from SIPAZ (in English):

Chiapas: 15 days of hunger strike and  days of sit-in (17 October 2011)

Chiapas: Sit-in of relatives of relatives of prisoners on hunger strike(17 October 2011)

Chiapas: MPJD arrives once again to Chiapas, there to express solidarity with Las Abejas, prisoners on strike, and Zapatistas (17 October 2011)

Chiapas: 8 days of hunger strike at CERSS no. 5 (7 October 2011)

Chiapas: Prisoners fasting and on hunger strike (4 October 2011)

Chiapas: Public day for Fasting and Prayer for Peace in the San Cristóbal prison (26 September 2011)

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