Guerrero: SCJN decision in case of Inés and Valentina “far from the heights” of the SCJN’s resolution on the Rosendo Radilla case (2010)

Inés Fernández y Valentina Rosendo (@Amnistía Internacional)

Inés Fernández and Valentina Rosendo (@Amnesty International)

The Tlachinollan Center for Human Rights, which has provided legal counsel for Inés Fernández and Valentina Rosendo, indigenous women who were raped by soldiers in Guerrero in 2002, expressed in a press-release that the Supreme Court for Justice in the Nation (SCJN) has lost all possibility of contributing to the advance of the human rights of indigenous women.  Following several sessions, the Court justices rejected the call made by the Inter-American Court on Human Rights (IACHR) in its decision on the case of the two indigenous women in 2010: for the Mexican State to open a profound analysis of matters of gender, ethnicity, and sexual torture.

Tlachinollan wrote that “the project approved by the SCJN lamentably fails to indicate precisely which obligations the courts have in terms of the legal processes initiated against the suspected perpetrators of the crimes committed against Inés Fernández Ortega and Valentina Rosendo Cantú, a question that the IACHR had alluded to quite explicitly in its sentencing.”  The communique ends: “this resolution is far from the heights represented by the resolution of the case 912/2010, which has to do with Rosendo Radilla, [an activist who was] disappeared by the military in Guerrero in 1974.  It is illuminating in terms of the present status of the SCJN.”

For more information (in Spanish):

Aprueba SCJN alcances de participación del PJF en sentencias de la CIDH(La Jornada, 11 de mayo de 2011)

COMUNICADO | Concluye SCJN sin un análisis profundo en materia de género y etnicidad la revisión de las sentencias de la CoIDH en los casos de Inés y Valentina (Comunicado del Centro de Derechos Humanos de la Montaña Tlachinollan, 11 de mayo de 2015)

Rechaza la Suprema Corte analizar estándares que pidió la Coidh en el caso de Inés y Valentina (El Sur, 12 de mayo de 2015)

Desechan proyecto para juzgar violencia sexual con visión de género (CIMAC Noticias, 12 de mayo de 2015)

For more information from SIPAZ (in English):

Guerrero/National: SCJN examines IACHR sentence in the case of Inés and Valentina, indigenous women who were raped by the military in 2002 (3 May 2015)

Guerrero: Beginning of legal processes against soldiers presumed to be responsible in the cases of Inés Fernández and Valentina Rosendo (15 January 2014)

Guerrero: NGOs call on Peña Nieto to observe the sentences on Inés Fernández y Valentina Rosendo (5 February 2013)

Guerrero: Valentina Rosendo and Inés Fernández receive recognitions of their struggle (16 November 2012)

Guerrero – briefs: Mexican State recognizes responsibility in case of Valentina Rosendo (21 December 2011)

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