Chiapas: Believing People Pilgrimage

Believing Pople .pngBelieving People Pilgrimage in San Cristóbal, 2016 Photo: El Heraldo de Chiapas

On January 25, members of Believing Peoples of the Diocese of San Cristóbal de Las Casas held a pilgrimage on the fifth anniversary of the death of Jtatik Samuel Ruíz and also for the commemoration of the 25th anniversary of the Diocesan Coordination of Women (CODIMUJ).

About 4,000 people came from the municipalities of Comitan, Frontera Comalapa, Chicomuselo, Altamirano, Tila, Las Margaritas, Ocosingo, Chilon, La Trinitaria, La Independencia, San Cristóbal, Chenalho, San Juan Chamula, Larrainzar, Oxchuc, among others. They met in the Cathedral Square of San Cristobal de las Casas to remember Jtatik Samuel in prayer.

As Believing Peoples, they proposed building autonomy in the communities, recovering the structure of government, resisting the projects and recovering the autonomous and community governments, facing the 2018 elections, as the political parties are already controlling and organizing their people In communities.

Believing Peoples denounce “the poverty that is increasing by the rise of [the price of] gasoline, gas, electricity, tortilla, transportation and everything. We denounce the nationalist egotism of the new government in the United States, which excludes emigrants and who only looks out for their economic interests, without solidarity with less developed countries. “

For more information in Spanish: (Prensa Libre Chiapas, a 25 de enero de 2017)

Pueblo Creyente: “Denunciamos los proyectos de muerte” (Chiapas Denuncia, a 25 de enero de 2017)

For more information from SIPAZ:

Entrega del 5to reconocimiento jTatik Samuel Jcanan Lum

Chiapas: Pueblo Creyente de Simojovel rechaza diálogo con los hermanos Gómez

Chiapas: El Pueblo Creyente peregrinó en Tuxtla en apoyo a las y los maestros


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