Guerrero: 60-Year Prison Sentence for Murderers of Two Ayotzinapa Student Teachers

Ayotzi.pngPhoto @: Desinformemonos

On September 4th, nearly a year after the murder of students from the Raul Isidro Burgos Normal School, Ayotzinapa, Jonathan Morales Hernandez and Filimon Tacuba Castro, during an attack on urban public transport on the Chilpancingo-Tixtla highway, four people accused of the crime were sentenced to 60 years in prison in addition to having agreed reparation for damages for one of the victims.

The Tlachinollan Mountain Human Rights Center called the sentence “an important achievement of justice”. However, they emphasized that the Office of the Prosecutor “has much to do in this case for its total clarification and to be able to offer truth to the victims.” They emphasized that “the murder of the student teachers is a paradigmatic case of the generalized violence that is lived through in Guerrero and the vulnerability in which the ordinary citizens find walking in a street or losing their lives getting onto a means of transport in the wrong place at the wrong time, while the rulers continue to try to hide this reality that lacerates us.”

This year, Jonathan and Filimon would have graduated as teachers.

For more information in Spanish:

Dan 60 años de prisión a asesinos de dos normalistas de Ayotzinapa (Proceso, 5 de septiembre de 2017)

Sentencia firme a un año del asesinato de dos estudiantes normalistas (Centro de Derechos Humanos de la Montaña Tlachinollan, 5 de septiembre de 2017)

For more information from SIPAZ:

Guerreo: Asesinan a dos normalistas de Ayotzinapa (5 de octubre de 2016)

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