Oaxaca: Virtual Platform “Femicidal Violence” Launched

FemicideLaunch of virtual platform “Femicidal Violence in Oaxaca” (@Consorcio)

On December 4th, “given the silence of the governor, impunity, corruption and incompetence of a Secretariat of Women created as a white elephant by this government, as well as public officials who are in charge of the procurement of justice”, members of the Consortium for Parliamentary Dialogue and Equity, Oaxaca presented the virtual platform “Femicidal Violence in Oaxaca”, where you can consult the cases of girls and women who were victims of violence from 2016 to date.

During a conference, the Consortium denounced that the femicide figures have increased by 30% during the first year of Alejandro Murat as governor, which makes Oaxaca one of the 11 most dangerous states in the country for women.

Faced with this situation, they invited citizens to generate “processes of organization that prevent women from losing their lives because of sexist and patriarchal violence. We know that there is still a long way to go but with the creation of this microsite of femicide and femicidal violence in Oaxaca we want to help to build a society [that is] conscious and vigilant of its rights “.

They also urged “the Judicial Branch of the State not to delay the issuance of arrest warrants against the aggressors, as well as to immediately incorporate a gender perspective in its actions, expedite the issuance of condemnatory sentences and dismiss administrators of justice who operate without a gender perspective”; and, “to the Congress of the State to cite the appearances of each and every one of the officials who are involved in the matter, and also direct communication with CONAVIM to inform them about the cause of the delay for the issuance of the Gender Alert in Oaxaca.”

 For more information in Spanish:

Portal Violencia Feminicia en Oaxaca (Consorcio Parlamentario y la Equidad Oaxaca)

COMUNICADO| 120 feminicidios en el primer año de gobierno de Alejandro Murat, el más violento para las mujeres y niñas en la historia de Oaxaca. (Consorcio Parlamentario y la Equidad Oaxaca, 4 de diciembre de 2017))

Primer año de Murat, el más violento contra mujeres en la historia de Oaxaca: Consorcio para el Diálogo (Proceso, 4 de diciembre de 2017)

For more information from SIPAZ:

ENFOQUE: Alertas de violencia de género: entender el problema para poder atenderlo (3 de septiembre de 2017)

Nacional/Internacional: Se lanza la campaña 16 días de activismo contra la violencia hacia las mujeres (30 de noviembre de 2017)

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